Thursday, August 16, 2007

North Fork of the Tongue River, WY

WEATHER: Clear, Low 70s



FLIES USED: #12 Hopper, Chernobyl Ant

ROD USED: 7’9” 2 wt Winston


OTHER: Fished with Kay and Dick. My, oh my, what a wonderful place to fish. While there were wildfires all around us, we managed to get out of the smoke. There are several pull-offs and parking along the North Fork of the Tongue river which flows adjacent to US Hwy 14 through the northern portion of the Big Horn Mountains. This river reminded Kay and me of the South Fork of the Platte River near Decker, CO, but with lower banks and much easier casting. The river holds all four species of fish, and I was blessed to catch all four today. While the stream might give the appearance of holding only small fish, we were surprised to see long, heavy shadows under the cut banks. With hoppers everywhere, I tried one for 30 minutes without even a look. I finally resorted to the Chernobyl Ant and they couldn’t refuse it. I caught a couple of 18-inch fish, a couple of 16 inchers and one slightly smaller, as well as a few fish under 12 inches, all but one on the Chernobyl Ant. Dick caught several large fish as well on a girdle bug, and Kay caught fish, too. A drag-free drift was absolutely essential. We all had an incredible day.

As a note, this is an incredible catch-and-release fishery, with easy access and wonderful scenery. It’s definitely on the list for a return trip.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

North Clear Creek, WY

WEATHER: Clear, Low 60s



FLIES USED: #12 Half Back, #12 Hopper, Chernobyl Ant

ROD USED: 7’9” 2 wt Winston


OTHER: Fished with Dick and Dave. Dave is Dick’s brother and owns Sports Lure, the largest sporting goods store in Wyoming. Dave took Dick and me up into the Big Horn Mountains via mules and pack horse. After driving to the trailhead, we rode about an hour and a half to fish at Hunter Park. The scenery was spectacular. We all wet waded as the creek was only a foot or so deep in most places, with lots of riffles and small pools. Small brook trout were abundant, taking the hopper readily. I must have caught 40+ fish in a 2 to 3 hour period, though about half were less than 6 inches long. It was a great day, with saddle sores, sore knee, and all. This area can be hiked into as well and is definitely worth fishing again.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Crazy Woman Creek and North Fork Crazy Woman Creek, WY

WEATHER: Clear, Low 60s


LOCATIONS FISHED: Crazy Woman Creek in Crazy Woman Canyon, and North Fork Crazy Woman Creek at Crazy Woman Campground, BIG HORN MOUNTAINS

FLIES USED: #12 Half Back, #12 Hopper, #20 Dunn’s Dun

ROD USED: 7’9” 2 wt Winston


OTHER: Fished with Kay and Dick. After lunch, we descended about 3,000 feet into Crazy Woman Canyon and fished Crazy Woman Creek. Crazy Woman Creek in this location flows within the forest and has huge boulders with alternative riffles and pools which are about the size of a large picnic table. First three casts yielded three brookies, with the largest being about 9 inches. Ended up catching 8-10 fish in about an hour, most on the Half Back. I wanted to try the more open North Fork of Crazy Woman Creek higher up, so we ascended back to the upper valley. There were several rises, and a mosquito-type insect was coming off. I tried several dry flies and finally caught one fish on the Dunn’s Dunn. The fish were not as active as the day before, so Dick and I moved to an upstream beaver pond where we had seen several rises the afternoon before. Kay had already fished it and caught 4 fish. Fish were rising like crazy, but I managed to catch only one brookie. These mountain streams are great and I must fish them more.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

North Fork Clear Creek and Crazy Woman Creek, WY

WEATHER: Clear, Low 70s


LOCATIONS FISHED: North Fork Clear Creek near North Fork Campground and Crazy Woman Creek at Crazy Woman Campground, BIG HORN MOUNTAINS

FLIES USED: #12 Half Back, #12 Hopper, Big Ugly

ROD USED: 7’9” 2 wt Winston


OTHER: Fished with Kay and Dick. After lunch, we drove up into the Big Horn Mountains looking for likely places to fish. Found a great little creek, North Fork of Clear Creek, and fished it beginning with a small hopper switching to other dry flies. Caught 4 fish, including rainbows and brookies. Drove higher up into the mountains and found Crazy Woman Creek in a nice valley, about 8,500 feet, with several beaver dams. Not as much cover as is on the forested creeks. Managed to catch only 2 fish, and missed 10. Will fish it again tomorrow.