Wednesday, January 20, 2010

At Last, Back on the Water

TIME: 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
WEATHER: PC, Low 70s, some wind
WATER CONDITIONS: 0 Units, some color
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, above 2nd Island above Ackerman-Handicap Access
ROD USED: 10’ 5-6 wt Flextec, 9’ 6 wt Winston
FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork Scud, brown Wayne’s Fly, T-Worm
HATCHES: Midges, Caddis
OTHER: Fished with Wayne. Water releases finally ceased today as the lake has been lowered to near conservation pool. Catching fish was not as easy today as usual, but Wayne caught 3 or 4 dozen, while I only managed a dozen and a half at best, most on the gray scud. Wayne and I both managed to catch a large fish each; mine was a chunky 18-20 inch rainbow. Did manage to break the new Flextec rod right above a guide winding—and on a hook set—so had to walk out, drive home, unpack the Winston, string it up, drive back, and walk up the river. Wayne, being the good guy he is, waited on me. The Winston is so light, and casts very well, but I sure like the 10-foot rod, and have bid on another.

After some considerable releases from the gates and constant generation, the river is returning to its old geometry, particularly at Mill Dam Eddy. There is still a substantial gravel bar held in place by a fallen tree, but if the tree ever moves, Mill Dam Eddy will recover to pre-1998 flood conditions as most of the flow has returned to the right channel during non-generation.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Norfork River, AR

TIME: 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
WEATHER: Clear, Mid 50s
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, upstream of Ackerman Walk-in Access
ROD USED: G Loomis IMX 9’0" 3 wt
FLIES USED: #14 Ice-T Mini, #14 T-Worm, #14 Olive Norfork River Scud
HATCHES: Midges, Blue Winged Olives
OTHER: Fished with Wayne. We began fishing upstream of the 2nd island above Ackerman Walk-in Access, and “catching” was tough! I picked up a single fish on the T-Worm, but nothing else, moving quickly upstream to the island below McClellan’s. There, I caught only 1 fish, stripping the Ice-T Mini. The last couple of weeks, this area had been fishing red hot, but not today. I fished the right side of the island, but caught no fish, finally moving upstream to the head of the island. There were lots of olive brown scuds in the shallow water, and so on a whim, I put one on and was surprised with a fish, followed by a dozen or so more in that general location. Moving upstream to the riffle above the island, fish were still active on the olive scud, with another half dozen taken. Finally, I moved upstream to the channel across from Otter Creek (Ed's Hole) and picked up another half dozen. The largest fish caught today was a 15-inch rainbow, with a couple close at 14 inches. Also, one brookie was caught in the riffle above the island. Wayne, too, had a tough day, but did catch lots of fish by working the water hard, with a 16 incher as his largest. He found an area above Otter Creek that held lots of fish. This was another great day on the water, perhaps because we had to work so hard for the fish. It definitely rates as one of the best.
PS: Happy New Year!