TIME: 11:45 AM to1:45 PM
WEATHER: Clear, mid 60s
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy to Riffle above the Island
ROD USED: 8’ 9” 5 wt Winston Joan Wulff Favorite
FLIES USED: #14 Norfork River Scud (Olive), Wayne’s Fly (Olive), and #20 Red/Silver Zebra Midge
OTHER: Fished solo. This is going to seem like a stuck record. Mill Dam Eddy produced absolutely nothing, not even a bite. I fished the right descending bank along the island, but again, nothing. At the top of the island, I crossed to the left descending bank but caught nothing in the pool above the island, then moved to the riffle above the island below McClellan’s and caught several, mostly small fish—more than at anytime the last few weeks. I then wades upstream and fished the next rather small riffle and pulled a couple from there, then worked across the river, fished the plunge pool below Ace-in-the-Hole, but did nothing there. I waded and fished my way downstream, but didn’t even get a bite.
The river is really funky right now, with an odor and discoloration. Folks camped at Quarry Park say its coming from Dry Run Creek. Also, significant river work is occurring at the island across from Ol’ Charlie’s, with trucks and other heavy equipment using the river bottom for a haul road to dump huge boulders to “protect” the island. It is my opinion as a 40+ year experienced water resources engineer that this will do absolutely nothing to protect or enhance the fishery, and in fact will have a net negative consequence. Because of this work, expect to see more bank caving and instability in the area; I guarantee this will happen. I wonder if the US Army Corps of Engineers were doing the same thing to protect humans if they would not be sued and tied up in court! Seems like we have our priorities wrong. As neighbors, we weren’t given a warning, notification, or an opportunity to comment on environmental impacts. Oh, well!