TIME: 11:30 AM to 12:05 PM
WEATHER: Mid 80s to low 90s, sunny, windy (18+ miles per hour)
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, upper riffle at top of island above Ackerman/Handicap Access
FLIES USED: #14 pink cockleburr
ROD USED: Winston 9’ 6-weight Boron
HATCHES: Crane flies
OTHER: I fished solo after canceling a fishing date with Bill and Bruce due to SWPA scheduled early morning releases—the SWPA DID NOT GENERATE AS SCHEDULED and the early morning releases were non-existent. After taking care of some personal business, I finally got in the water at 11:30 AM. As I was driving out t meet Bill, I had an uneasy feeling that SWPA might begin generation at any time, so I accessed close to the house in order to quickly egress if the occasion dictated. Despite extremely windy conditions, a few crane flies were hatching, and fish were rising to these occasional hatches. I missed the first couple of fish, but hooked-up with the 3rd. After missing a few more, I caught two fish, and noticed the water was moving a little faster. It had started to rise very rapidly. I immediately exited the water and barely made it across the right chute just above Ol’ Charlies. Gotta start using a wading staff.