Thursday, July 3, 2008

Norfork River

TIME: 7:15 AM TO 11:00 AM
WEATHER: PC, Low to high 70s
LOCATIONS FISHED: McClellan’s downstream to bottom of 1st island below McClellan's
FLIES USED: #14 Gray Norfork Scud, #20 Zebra Midge, #14 Furnace Cockleburr
ROD USED: 8' 9" 5 wt Winston LT
HATCHES: Midges, sulphurs
OTHER: Fished with Ed and John. We walked to the bottom of the island below McClellan’s where I picked up almost a dozen fish in a little run on river right, fishing over a sunken tree. Fished up left side of island (looking downstream) and only caught 3 or 4 in each site I fished. Walked up to McClellan’s, finding a motor on the top of the island. Ed had already walked up to his usual place and first fish he caught was a 25-inch brown trout, measured. He then caught a couple of dozen more fish. John fished the riffle at the top of the island and took several fish; I had difficulty fishing there on July 2, and only caught a few by adding weight. We all moved downstream, fishing the island, and Ed began catching lots of fish on a #20 Furnace Cockleburr. I caught several on the Zebra Midge below Ed, switched to a #14 Furnace Cockleburr, loaned John the rod, and he caught 2 very quickly, and missed a couple others, wrapping up the day. (John is one of the best nymph fishers I know, and can catch fish out of a mud puddle. Ed and I are trying to convince him to dry fly fish!)

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