WEATHER: Partly cloudy, mid 60s,
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access
ROD USED: 8’ 9” 5 wt Joan Wulff Favorite Winston
FLIES USED: #18 Top Secret, #14 Gray Norfork River Scud
HATCHES: Midges, Caddis
OTHER: Fished with Kay, Ron, and Kaden. We entered the water early to avoid other Memorial Day weekend fishers. Kaden took his fishing lessons from yesterday to heart, and fished like a pro with his casting, mending, and playing fish. He caught 6 nice fish, including a grand slam, using the Norfork River Scud. The brown he caught was a nice fish, as was the cutthroat.
Ron fished across the island, and caught 4 fish, including a good sized brown. He moved just downstream of us and caught a couple more, then took his 7th fish upstream. Kay struggled today, taking only one fish, as she fished leftover water that had been beaten to death and fished hard. I did not fish. I was really impressed with how well Kaden fished—much more mature than his 14 years. If he can only remember for next time…