TIME: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
WEATHER: Partly cloudy, mid 70s,
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Ace in the Hole to Elisabeth Creek
ROD USED: 8’ 9” 5 wt Winston Joan Wulff Favorite
FLIES USED: #14 Norfork River Gray Scud, #20 Olive Cockleburr
HATCHES: Midges, Caddis
OTHER: Fished solo. It was a great day to fish, but catching was difficult; I had to work very hard for each fish. Once again, I struggled in the Pool, not catching any fish. Mill Dam Eddy produced only one fish on the Cockleburr, and the reach along the island below McClelland’s did not yield any fish. The tailout of the riffle just above the island fished very well from the right descending bank, i.e. river right, with several nice fish caught and released, including an 18 inch cutthroat. In fact, about one third of the fish caught were 15 inches or better. Ace in the Hole did not yield a single fish, but the reach on the right descending bank opposite Otter Creek fished better than at any time since the flood though nothing compared to pre-flood fishing. After a difficult day, I managed to catch between 2 dozen and 30 fish, with a grand slam coming after catching a small brown.
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