Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One of those Special Days

TIME: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER:  Partly cloudy, low 90s,

WATER CONDITIONS:  0 Units, moderate turbidity, heavy fog

LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access to Island below Otter Creek

ROD USED:  10’ 4 wt Winston

FLIES USED:  #14 Frank’s T-Worm, Wayne’s Fly in Olive, #14 Special K

HATCHES:  Midges, Sulphurs

OTHER:  Fished with Wayne.  We started at the riffle at the top of the island above Ackerman/Handicap Access, and had some success on Frank’s T-Worm.  Wayne said he had a feeling about the pool, and we should fish it.  He started at the bottom end, catching one fish after another on his brown fly.  I began fishing upstream of him and missed more than I caught, though Frank’s T-Worm was working well with lots of hook-ups.  Switching to Wayne’s brown fly, I continued breaking off fish, while Wayne continued catching them.  Finally, after putting on a new leader and tippet, I began catching fish more consistently.  We worked the pool for a couple of hours, and I moved downstream to where we began, fishing a #14 Special K to some emerging fish, catching 5, including a 16+ inch brown.  Wayne caught well over 5 dozen fish, while I managed to catch a few more than 3 dozen.  It was one of those days when fishing is so good, you can’t help but feel giddy. 

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