Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hunt for Big Browns

TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
WEATHER:  Cloudy, light rain, high 70s
LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Elisabeth Creek to Mill Dam Eddy
ROD USED:  8’ 6” 5 wt JWF Winston
FLIES USED:   #14 Norfork River Gray Scud, #14 Black Cockleburr, Yellow Wayne’s Fly
HATCHES:  Midges
OTHER:  Fished with Wayne.  The Pool fished okay, but a bit slow at first with mostly small fish being caught.  We fished our way to Mill Dam Eddy, where I caught only a few fish.  Working back downstream, I wised up and put on a black cockleburr, began catching fish by casting the “dry” fly quartering downstream, pulling it under, and stripping it back, and the fish were a bit bigger.  I caught a really nice brown, which I mistakenly thought was a brookie, and asked Wayne to take a photo at which point he advised that it was a brown.  The 17-inch fish was one of the most colorful browns I ever caught, and was a very heavy fish.
2010-09-07 Big Fish
Before I caught the nice fish, Wayne began to “smell” browns, and changed flies to one of his yellow designs.  He began catching browns immediately, then went on the hunt for a big fish.  He caught one brown after another finishing the day after a light rain began with almost 2 dozen fish, though the big browns, i.e. those over 20 inches eluded him on this rain shortened outing. 

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