Monday, March 28, 2011

Midges, Caddis, and Crane Flies

TIME:  12:30 PM to 4:00 PM
WEATHER:  Partly cloudy, breezy, low 50s
LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy to the Plunge Pool below Otter Creek
ROD USED:  8’ 9” 5 wt JWF Winston
FLIES USED:  #16 green body, tan winged caddis, #20 Kay’s Grey, #16 Sulphur
HATCHES:  Midges, Caddis, Crane Flies
OTHER:  I walked in, solo, at Mill Dam Eddy and made a few quick casts using the Kay's Grey fly without success. I walked upstream to the first shoal above the island and noticed rising fish, with midges, caddis, and crane flies all coming off. I began with the Kay's Grey and caught several fish in the left riffle (looking downstream). Wanting to fish caddis I switched to the #16 caddis and was immediately rewarded with fish, including 17 inch and 20 inch cutthroats. Thinking sulfurs were coming off, I tied on a number 16 sulfur and caught several fish, including another (or perhaps the same) 20 inch cutthroat. I finally caught one of the "sulfurs" and discovered it was a crane fly. Nevertheless, the sulfur imitation seemed to work. Switching back to the caddis, I caught several more fish, all from the left side looking downstream. As soon as the sun disappeared, fishing slowed significantly. In addition two boats came downstream, signaling time for me to exit the water. It was an awesome day and all fish were caught using dry flies.  Several of the fish had broad shoulders with mostly cutthroat, some rainbows, and one brown being caught.

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