TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
WEATHER: Clear, late breezes, mid-70s
LOCATIONS FISHED: Hebgen Lake, Montana, near West Yellowstone
ROD USED: 10’ 4 wt Winston Favorite
FLIES USED: #18 Blue Winged Olive
OTHER: Fished solo. This was a busy day, animal wise and otherwise. We began early with a trip to Hebgen Lake to allow me to fish for gulpers. The pull-off that had been recommended was blocked, though we suspect other fishers had pulled the tree limbs across the road, but just a couple of hundred yards further was another. I unloaded the float tube, donned waders, grabbed the fins and rod, and headed for Hebgen Lake. The bottom was more solid that expected, and I kicked out a hundred yards from shore to some rising fish. All the activity apparently put them down, so I waited several minutes but saw no more action.
I noticed other float tubers further out, so kicked out another three hundred yards or so, and found fish rising sporadically, then after 30 minutes or so, the hatch got fast and furious, as did the gulping, and I managed to cast to and catch a nice 16-inch rainbow. Despite several more casts, the single rainbow was all that took to my fly today. However, it was a lot of fun and I’ll be back out tomorrow.
NOTE: I had Cortland clear 555 line on the 4 weight Winston, and realized that it retained coil in cool temperatures, unless stretched beforehand. Stretching line from a float tube is too cumbersome, so tomorrow, I’ll switch to the 5 weight.
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