Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2—Dry Fly Fishing, Mostly Caddis

DATE: Wednesday, May 2, 2012

TIME: 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon

WEATHER: Low to mid-80s, mostly sunny, some wind


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy to Riffle above the Island below McClellan’s

FLIES USED: Brown Wayne’s Fly, #20 red/silver Zebra Midge, #20 furnace Cockleburr, #14 furnace Cockleburr, #20 Kay’s Grey, #20 Dunn’s Dunn, #16 Elk Hair Caddis

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT JWF

HATCHES: Midges, caddis, crane fly

120502_NorforkRiverOTHER: Fished alone. I waded upstream to the tail out of the riffle above the island below McClellan’s (and Otter Creek), shown in distance in the photograph, and began fishing using Wayne’s Fly in combination with a red/silver Zebra midge.  After several fish, I noted a decent midge hatch in the river left riffle, and tied on Kay’s Grey with little to no success, and then switched to a Dunn’s Dun and had a bit more success, but still not gang busters.  I followed with the #20 furnace cockleburr and had more success, then saw caddis coming off and the show was on as I caught over a dozen and a half on the caddis.  120502_NorforkRiver-3Noting a crane fly hatch and fish taking the crane flies, I switched to a #14 furnace Cockleburr, but had no luck, so switched back to the caddis as the hatch petered out.  Switching back to the combination of Wayne’s Fly and a Zebra midge, I fished along the island, managing to fool a half dozen fish.  As can be seen in the photograph, significant build-up of the bar has occurred, but nature will heal this in time, and as the flow regime changes and more water moves down the right channel, it should become deeper and provide even better fishing.

Though no big fish were caught, it was a pretty awesome day. 

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