Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012—Seems Like Old Times

DATE: Wednesday, June 20, 2012

TIME: 9:15 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Low to mid-80s, mostly sunny, high winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Elisabeth Creek midway upstream to Mill Dam Eddy

FLIES USED: Olive Wayne’s Fly, #20 red/silver Zebra Midge, #14 Gray Norfork River Scud

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT JWF

HATCHES:  Occasional sulphurs

OTHER: Fished with Wayne; it’s been so long since we fished together, and particularly this reach of river, that it seemed like old times.  As usual, Wayne caught and released his first fish before I even had a fly in the water.  He continued to take fish, breaking off a large fish, while I broke off or missed what must have been 3/4 dozen, including a large fish.  As we progressed upstream, I finally began to get into some rhythm, and caught fish with regularity, as did Wayne.  I 120620_Norfork River Editedhooked, fought, and landed a nice 20-inch brown on the red zebra midge; thank goodness I was using 4X tippet and dropping the zebra midge with 5X.  After photographing and releasing the fish, Wayne immediately followed by catching one only slightly smaller.

120620_Norfork River Edited-2We continued to take fish, but not as often.  Wayne broke off a large cutthroat upstream near Mill Dam Eddy.  As we finished up the day, Donnie and Susie from McGehee came floating down and it was a pleasure to introduce them to Wayne, and vice versa—all good people, and good fishers!

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