Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013--It Helps To Have The Right Fly

TIME:  8:30 AM to 10:15 AM

WEATHER:  Mid-70s, overcast


LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

FLIES USED:  #14 olive Norfork River scud, #20 red/silver Zebra Midge, #16 Parachute Sulphur Dun, #14 pink Cockleburr

ROD USED:  8’ 6” 5-wt Winston JWF

HATCHES:  Midges, Caddis, Sulphurs, Craneflies

OTHER:  I fished solo across from Wayne's.  The river was shrouded in mist when I arrived and the mist did not lift all morning.  No action occurred on the scud/midge combination, but there was an occasional gulping of midges on the surface.  Taking a chance, I put on the pink Cockleburr and immediately hooked up with a nice 16-inch rainbow.  A few fish were caught in the near riffle, but most hit in the fly when cast to the riffle on the left descending bank.  About half of the dozen and a half fish I caught were in the 16-inch range, including one brown and one cutbow; the others were rainbows.  Observing an occasional sulphur, I switched to a Parachute Sulphur Dun, but received no action.  Switching back to the pink Cockleburr, the fish resumed attacking the fly.  One fish porpoised onto the fly and was close enough that it was pretty exciting as I saw the whole thing up close and personal.  With both rain and generation forecast later in the morning, and with mist covering the river, I only fished less than a couple of hours, taking a photo of the last fish of the day with a Cockleburr in its mouth.  On the way walking out, I saw a large number of pipe vine swallowtail butterflies clustered on the ground, ending a short, but great morning.

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