Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fishing Out of the Pontoon Isn’t Half Bad

DATE: Wednesday, 8/17/2005

TIME: 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM

WEATHER: Low to mid-80s, cloudy, drizzle most of AM


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access


ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 tan Norfork River scud, #14 gray Norfork River scud, #12 hopper

OTHER: I fished solo, but met up with Wayne towards the end of the day. He dropped me off at Quarry Park and I used a one-man pontoon to drift downstream to the top of the 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access. I didn't begin fishing until just below Gene's Trout Dock in the Resort Hole. I fished a #14 tan scud about 4 feet below a strike indicator using 7X Orvis flourocarbon tippet, with no weight except the weighted fly. Near the private docks in the Resort Hole, I caught a few fish slowly dead drifting the scud slightly on river right, but had to fish between several boats. At the riffle at the tail end of the Resort Hole, I switched to a gray scud and caught a few more fish. I continued drifting below the riffle in the Long Hole above the riffle above McClellan's and caught fish, seemingly one after the other, about middle ways of the pool towards river right. As I drifted downstream, the bait chunking guide boats moved in behind me. I caught 4 or 5 fish about 15 inches, and lost 4 or 5 more about that size as well. Fish caught were mostly rainbows with one brown and a couple of cutthroat's thrown in. I drifted downstream to McClellan's near Ace in the Hole, and caught fish like crazy. Someone said they released fish today, and it is likely since the chute area at McClellan's was jam-packed with people. Anyway, the fish were in a frenzy. I saw lots of fish alongside the island below McClellan's, but couldn't entice any to take a dry fly. I fished at Mill Dam Eddy for a few minutes and managed to take a couple of nice 15-inch fish. It was a delightful day. I am really enjoying time on the river in the pontoon boat. It’s pretty awesome to sit comfortably, drink coffee, and catch fish.

As usual, Wayne caught lots of fish, and had some nice browns. He's still the best fisher on the river, day in, day out. I'm afraid he's ruint me!

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