Friday, August 19, 2005

OMG, What a Day

DATE: Thursday, 8/18/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Low to high 90s, mostly sunny


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

HATCH: Small cream midges early in the morning

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 tan Norfork River scud, #14 gray Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished solo. Wayne dropped me off at Quarry Park access at the dam and I used a one-man pontoon to drift downstream to the top of the 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access. Water was turbid coming in from Dry Run Creek, and clouded up the river significantly. Someone said the US Fish and Wildlife Service flushed the hatchery. Anyway, it sure messed up the Norfork. I tried fishing near the access, but didn't get any hits. N the Resort Hole, below Gene's Trout Dock, I fished a #14 tan scud about 4 feet below a strike indicator using 6X Orvis flourocarbon tippet, with no weight except the weighted fly. Further downstream in the Resort Hole, near the private docks, I caught a few fish by slowly dead drifting the scud slightly on river right, but had to fish between several boats. I switched to the gray scud and caught a few more fish. I stopped at the riffle at the tail end of the Resort Hole and caught 4 fish, but had to work for them. Boats from upstream moved downstream through the riffle and set up in the Long Hole. I moved down through the Long Hole, and caught fish between the bait-chunking boats, but not as easily as yesterday, August 17. Boats were crowded in the pool, and didn't leave much room for anyone else to fish. Oh well, I guess it's their water too, and they were there first. They moved out about 11:00 AM and I moved into a location about mid-way of the pool, and began catching rainbows and cutthroats like crazy. I managed to catch one 17-inch rainbow and a brook trout, but didn’t catch any browns today. The fishing was pretty awesome. Three fish struck furiously at the yellow strike indicator. I'm going to put a #12 popper in the fly box for next time. I finally made myself move so as to fish below McClellan's, but the water came up. I was appreciative since the wind was blowing upstream and rowing was a struggle. Once again, it was a great day, and the Lord richly blessed me. Seems like the mojo has returned as has the desire to fish—I can't get enough of it.

Wayne had another fabulous day, and caught lots of fish as usual, almost one right after the other. He also landed some nice browns. It's amazing to watch him fish. He's almost like a machine, and his reactions are uncanny. I don't believe anyone can out fish him, day in day out, on the Norfork River. And oh, by the way, it’s a sure thing—now, he definitely has ruint me!

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