Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

DATE: Tuesday, August 22, 2006

TIME: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 70s rising to high 80s

WATER CONDITIONS: 0 units, slightly turbid

LOCATIONS FISHED: White River, Wildcat shoals in AM, Rim Shoals in PM

HATCH: A few midges

ROD USED: Winston 7’ 9” 2-weight LT

FLIES USED: #16 Flashback bead head pheasant tail dropping a #16 tan White River sowbug at Wildcat Shoals, #14 olive mini bugger and numerous other flies at Rim Shoals

OTHER: I fished with Ed and Phillip today. We chased the water upstream to Wildcat Shoals where it was still dropping. There was a lot of "fog" on the river. I grabbed the wrong rod this AM and was under gunned all day. Oh well, it was a good thing that reminded me that I could catch fish closer in if necessary. We managed to catch several rainbows at Wildcat Shoals, mostly on the sowbug. Our strike indicators were only about 3 feet above the first fly. Upon noting that the fish were not taking the bead head pheasant tail, all of us switched to one fly, i.e. no dropper. The water was dingy from the previous evening's 3 inches of rain. In fact, Denton Ferry Road flooded and was closed that previous evening. The fishing was not spectacular, but was good and we caught enough fish to stay interested. At Rim Shoals after lunch, the water was dingy and still a little high. It never did drop much. Fishing was TOUGH. Ed caught several on a Birds Nest cast quartering downstream. I managed a few on a mini bugger fished the same way, but stripped back. We did not see rising fish as they had seen the previous afternoon, when they managed to catch a bunch of fish on or near the surface.

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