Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

DATE: Tuesday, August 29, 2006

TIME: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 70s rising to low 80s


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s—downstream of Otter Creek

HATCH: A few midges and caddis

ROD USED: Winston 7’ 9” 2-weight LT

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud, Big Ugly

OTHER: I fished with Kay and Ron. This was a great fishing and catching day in paradise—we all caught fish. Kay and Ron had particularly good days and both caught lots of fish. Ron had one fish that was close to 17 inches, and another that was at least 16 inches. I fished the scud for a couple of hours, then switched to the Big Ugly, and caught several dead drifting it as a dry fly. I then would slightly "pop" the fly, like a popping bug, and fish would explode on the fly. I caught at least a dozen and a half fishing this way. I then began fishing Ed's Hole and managed a 22-inch cutthroat on the 2-weight fishing the Big Ugly on top in fairly shallow water. Surprisingly, the fish did not fight much until it saw us, but oh my, was it pretty. Kay got a picture and we released it to be caught again. Despite the great, near fall like weather, we had McClellan's to ourselves!

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