Saturday, October 30, 2010

Finally, Some Wadable Water

TIME:  2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
WEATHER:  Partly cloudy, mid 70s,
LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Island above Ackerman-Handicap Access
ROD USED:  7’9” 2 wt Winston LT
FLIES USED:  #14 Ginger Cockleburr, #14 Black Cockleburr, Big Ugly
HATCHES:  Midges, Caddis
OTHER:  Fished solo.  Kay and I were walking along River Ridge Road and noted the river was down, unexpectedly; SWPA has projected generation all day.  After the walk, I quickly suited up and walked to the river, fishing the skinny water along the right descending bank,  The Big Ugly worked its magic on three fish, giving the 2 wt a good fight.  The river was quite crowded, but the riffle across from Ol’ Charlie’s was vacant,  so switching to the Cockleburr fly, I managed to take a few small fish, bringing attention to the area.  Immediately, a couple of other fishers came to the area—one above and one below, both at close but okay distances, leaving the area at Ol’ Charlie’s vacant.  I switched sides, and successfully fished the Cockleburr, landing several small fish.  Soon thereafter, one of the fishers that left the area to fish where I was catching fish came back over to fish just above me, a little too close for comfort, but he left after a few casts, so no harm done.  Deciding to work upstream, the Big Ugly was tied on.  At the same time, a 20-foot river boat, with a guide and 3 fly fishers bounced its way downstream, hitting what seemed like every rock in the otherwise fishable water.  It hung up several times causing the guide and passengers to get out and get it started downstream—STUPID.   The guide was so embarrassed that he wouldn’t look me in the eye, and the fly fishers apologized profusely.  Still, they succeeded in putting all the fish down, ending what was otherwise a good day. 

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