Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ma’am, It’s a Catch and Release Area

TIME:  12:30 PM to 3:30 PM

WEATHER:  Clear, low 70s


LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Elisabeth Creek to Riffle above Island below McClellan’s

ROD USED:  8’6” 5 wt JWF Winston

FLIES USED:  #14 Gray Ice Norfork River Scud, Olive Wayne’s Fly, #16 Red Zebra Midge, #16 Black Zebra Midge, #20 Red Zebra Midge

HATCHES:  Midges, Crane Fly, Occasional Caddis

OTHER:  Fished with Wayne.  We both caught fish in the pool.  I waded upstream and caught a couple in the riffle below the island, but caught nothing along the island.  Wading further upstream to the riffle above the island, I found a spot and was quickly joined by a couple other fishers kayaking and canoeing downstream, including one of our prominent local female guides.  I caught a half dozen on the left descending bank side of the riffle using Wayne’s fly and dropping the #20 red zebra midge; all but one of the takes were on the midge.  The “guide” also caught a couple, one of which was a whopping 14 inches.  She kept the fish for a good 5 minutes taking photos, etc. as if it were a major trophy fish; hopefully, the fish revived after being handled for such a long time.  Regulations pertaining to Catch and Release areas state that fish are to be released IMMEDIATELY (emphasis added).  I started to yell over to her, “Ma’am, this is a Catch and Release Area, please release the fish immediately” but opted to let well enough alone.  We’ll probably see the fish written up as a 20+ inch fish!  I waded back downstream and caught a couple more in the riffle below the island, but didn’t catch anything in the pool.  About half the way downstream, I met Wayne, and we walked out together.  He had had a good day, with about 15 fish, and I caught 10-12.  Neither of us had a big fish.  

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