Friday, December 3, 2010

Keeping It Simple

TIME: 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM

WEATHER:  Partly cloudy, mid 50s,


LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy to 1st Riffle above Island below McClellan’s

ROD USED:  8’ 9” JWF 5 wt Winston

FLIES USED:   #14 Norfork River Ice Gray Scud, #20 Red/Silver Zebra Midge


OTHER:  Fished with Wayne.  Nothing at the walk-in spot at Mill Dam Eddy, but the root wad at the top of the gravel bar fished well, producing 3 fish, with several misses.  The narrow riffle at the tip of the island was awesome, with over a half dozen fish caught, and a few missed.  Moving across the river, the upstream root wad produced a couple of fish.  The right side of the island fished well, with a fish being caught or missed all the way to the top.  The pool at the top before the spill off didn’t produce anything today.  As I worked upstream to the big riffle above the island, I noticed 5 fishers entering the river from Otter Creek—a group from Kentucky who park alongside the road to McClellan’s and walk the creek to the river now that McClellan’s has closed.  Three of these fishers began walking downstream as I continued working upstream to the riffle.  I fished it from river left, and caught maybe a half dozen fish, and again, missed almost that many more.  No big fish were caught today.  Today, the zebra midge was dropped a few inches below the ice scud.  Interestingly enough, all but one of the fish caught along the island and below were caught on the zebra midge, while all the fish above the island were caught on the scud; that has been the pattern the last couple of times out. 

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