Sunday, February 13, 2011

First Pre-Op Fishing, 2011

TIME: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM

WEATHER:  Clear, mid 60s


LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy to First Riffle Above Island Below McClellan’s

ROD USED:  8’ 6” 5 wt Joan Wulff Favorite Winston

FLIES USED:   #14 Gray Norfork River Scud, #20 Red/Silver Zebra Midge, Olive Wayne’s Fly, Brown Wayne’s Fly


OTHER:  As many of you know, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in September 2010.  I had a radical prostatectomy on December 15 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and have been convalescing since.  Consequently, I have not been on the water since mid November 2010, and this was my first time fly fishing since the operation; and it felt good to get out and do something “productive”.  I began wading at the tip of the island below McClellan's, Mill Dam Eddy, and fished the scud and zebra midge combination with which I had much success in the late fall.  I fished hard below the island, as well as ustream adjacent to the island, but without a single hit.  I switched to Wayne’s green fly at the top of the island, in an area in which I had success in the fall, but this time, luck was not present.  Moving upstream on the left descending bank, the green fly produced one fish, and several misses.  Switching to a brown Wayne’s fly, I again had several misses, but did manage 3 additional fish.  It was a slow afternoon!  Absent any appreciable stamina, a couple of hours fishing was all I could manage, ending the day with 4 fish and lots of misses.  Absence from fishing resulted in poor drag free drifts, poor hook sets, and poor fish fighting.  Nevertheless, it was great to be outside, and on my beloved water. 

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