Monday, February 14, 2011

Midge Emerger Fishing

TIME: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM

WEATHER:  Clear, mid 60s


LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy

ROD USED:  8’ 6” 5 wt Joan Wulff Favorite Winston

FLIES USED:   #20 Olive Cocklebur, #20 Kay’s Grey

HATCHES: Midges, Blue Winged Olives, Caddis

OTHER:  Fished with Wayne. We walked in at Mill Dam Eddy, intending to fish upstream.  However, mutual friends of ours, Frank and John, were fishing in the vicinity and we opted to stay in the area, visiting a little and fishing a little.  Wayne began fishing his way downstream while I fished Mill Dam Eddy.  A number of fish were emerging so I tied on the cocklebur, and made several casts, first fishing dry, then stripping the fly back.  I managed a lot of refusals, one fish, and several misses, so switched to a Kay’s Grey.  This fly was the ticket for the day, with several refusals, and a few  fish to hand, both fishing it dry and stripping it back.  I moved to the fast water immediately below the island, and caught several more fish, again fishing the fly both dry and stripping it in.  All in all, I finished the day with 10 fish, and some great memories.  This was a reminder of the good ol’ days when I used to fish midge emergers almost exclusively.  

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