Monday, June 25, 2007

Norfork River

WEATHER: PC, High 80s


LOCATIONS FISHED: Quarry Park to 2nd Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

FLIES USED: #14 Gray Norfork Scud

ROD USED: 10 ft 4 wt Winston

HATCHES: Midges, Few Sulphurs, Few Craneflies

OTHER: Fished with Ron and John. Resort Hole fished slow, with several fish caught real quick, then a couple more slowly, then nothing. The riffle below the Resort Hole produced nothing, nor the chute below the riffle. The riffle at the head of the Long Hole produced some fish, but they were far and few between. John managed to take several there, however. The Long Hole produced well, with a number of browns taken on a slow drift. The riffle above McClellan's produced nothing. The pool between McClellan's Dock and the Catch and Release sign produced a number of fish, and Ron outfished his step pop 2 to 1, ending with a 22-inch rainbow at the Catch and Release Sign. He was using a Tan Norfork River Scud. For the day, I managed to take a couple dozen fish.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Norfork River

WEATHER: PC, High 80s


LOCATIONS FISHED: Quarry Park to 2nd Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

FLIES USED: #14 Gray Norfork Scud, #18 Sulphur, #20 Furnace Cockleburr

ROD USED: 10 ft 4 wt Winston

HATCHES: Midges, Sulphurs, Craneflies

OTHER: Fished with Ed. Resort Hole was FANTASTIC, with both Ed and me catching lots of fish, including at least a dozen and a half doubles. Riffle at tail of Resort Hole fished well, but not as good as previously. Long Hole fished OK on slow drift. Riffle above McClellan's was non-productive, with few fish caught. SULPHURS ARE FINISHED FOR THE SEASON. Pool from McClellan's Dock downstream was excellent, with lots of fish caught on slow drift. Riffle above island below McClellan's fished good. Water came up as we began fishing Mill Dam Eddy. This was a great day with many fish caught.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Norfork River

WEATHER: PC, High 80s


LOCATIONS FISHED: Quarry Park to 2nd Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

FLIES USED: #14 Gray Norfork Scud, #18 Sulphur, #20 Furnace Cockleburr

ROD USED: 10 ft 4 wt Winston

HATCHES: Midges, Sulphurs, Craneflies

OTHER: Fished with Ed. Resort Hole was slow, but both of us caught fish. Long Hole was good, with several fish caught on a slow drift. Riffle above McClellan's was good with Sulphurs, but a guide and client had been there all morning; consequently, the fish were wary. Pool from McClellan's Dock downstream was excellent, with lots of fish caught on slow drift. Riffle above island below McClellan's fished pretty good, with Sulphurs coming off. Some "old" yahoo from Texas drifted downstream in a double pontoon and anchored immediately adjacent to us. We were tolerant and did not say anything. People are so rude!