Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Day Fishing

DATE: Thursday, 11/24/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-50s, windy, cold front moving in and low barometric pressure


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Ol’ Charlie’s to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access


ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #14 olive mini bugger, #20 Griffith’s Gnat

OTHER: Fished with, or more accurately, guided Karyn, her boyfriend Frank, and Kay. It was windy, and the temperature was falling. Frank had never fly fished, but caught a small rainbow early on. Karyn and Kay arrived later, and Karyn caught several fish. She is a natural fly fisher. Kay also caught several fish. I managed to catch my first GRAND SLAM ever, and had a nice cutthroat along the way, as well as a few other fish. All in all, I caught about ten fish. After an hour or so, we had the river to ourselves—something rare on Thanksgiving Day. It was great to be back on the river after so long an absence

Friday, October 21, 2005

Lost My Moxy

DATE: Friday, 10/21/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, partly cloudy, cold front moving in and low barometric pressure


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole


ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud, #14 olive mini bugger, #20 zebra midge

OTHER: I fished with Rod and Mel. I lost my moxy today, as I caught only 4 fish, and I fished hard. Nothing I threw seemed to work. A guide by the name of Bryan had two clients upstream, and one caught 6 fish during the same time. The guide was a good one, did not crowd other fishers, and his clients caught fish. They were using an olive jig, dropped about 3 feet below a strike indicator.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Fishing Bamboo on the Norfork

DATE: Thursday, 10/20/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole

HATCH: #20 cream midge, #16 crane fly

ROD USED: Leo Eck custom made 8’ 3-4-weight bamboo

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Rod and Mel, two old fishing buddies from the Memphis area. A cold front was moving in, and fishing was a little on the slow side. However, we all caught fish. It took me a while to get "organized" with the bamboo rod as it is VERY SLOW. While I caught about a dozen and a half fish, I hooked and lost another 8, and missed hookups with another half dozen or so. I ended up cutting the Cortland foam strike indicator in half, and was able to hookup more frequently. No big trout were caught, and we only observed one other fish caught (self-proclaimed Mr. Sowbug, Fox Statler, brought two clients in above us, and Fox talked the entire time. Fortunately, he didn't stay too long. His poor customers spent their entire morning moving back and forth from place to place, and likely didn't fish but about an hour. One caught a fish, but that was it; surely, they didn't have to pay much for this trip—yeah, sure.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Norfork River Scud

DATE: Thursday, 10/13/2005

TIME: 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole

HATCH: Small cream midge, about #22

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud, #14 olive/dun cocklebur

OTHER: I fished with Dick. Because of a washer/dryer repair, I was unable to get on the water early; consequently, it was about 10:30 AM and the river had been fished pretty hard already. We both fished at the top of Ace in the Hole. Both fishing and catching were pretty good. Dick took about 2 dozen fish on the gray scud, and I took about the same amount. While fishing was not slow, I did fish hard, and the bite was pretty light, barely moving the strike indicator. A perfect drag-free drift was essential. I moved to the flat water and began fishing to rises using the # 20 olive/dun cockleburr fly fished as a dry fly. The fish were extremely leader shy and would move at the slightest hint of rod or line in the air. I did manage to take two nice cutthroat in the less that one foot of water.

The river was packed, and has been all week. However, few people are catching fish on the Norfork River. I saw two other people catch one fish each while we fished. Having talked to several people, and looking at their set-up, I believe it's necessary to use a long leader and the Norfork River scud pattern. I use an ORVIS 9 foot 5X Super Strong leader, tipped with an extra 3 feet of 5X fluorocarbon, followed by about 4 feet of 6X fluorocarbon. I DO NOT use any weight on the leader/tippet. The strike indicator is about 4 feet above the hook (cover the knot between the 5X and 6X tippet). A near perfect drag-free dead drift is essential. The pattern for my Norfork River scud is as follows:

Dunn’s Norfork River Scud

Hook: TMC 2487 BL, #14

Thread: Gray

Tail: Mallard Flank Feather, about 5 fibers

Weight: About 10 turns of 0.020 lead Ribbing: Silver Wire

Body: Medium gray antron dubbing

Shellback: Sow/scud back, clear

After the fly is tied, I mash the lead vertically to give the silhouette one of a live scud.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Lots of Fish on Crooked Creek

DATE: Tuesday, 10/4/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, cloudy, light wind


LOCATIONS FISHED: Crooked Creek, downstream of Snow Access


ROD USED: Winston 9’ 7-weight BL5 Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #10 grasshopper, #10 chartreuse hard body popper, #14 foam beetle, #14 mini bugger, #8 wooly bugger

OTHER: I fished with Slim. We had a great day, and threw everything at the fish except the kitchen sink. We caught lots of fish, though most were small. I managed to take only one small smallmouth and lots of bream on the various top water flies used, as did Slim. About one mile downstream, I discovered a fairly long pool with some depth, and noted a school of about 8 carp, most over 5 pounds, as well as 4 smallmouth over 20 inches. I could not get the smallmouth to even look at a fly. In the same pool were many smaller smallmouth bass. I'll definitely return to that pool, though the walk back upstream is a killer.

Monday, October 3, 2005

Helping Others Learn the Norfork

DATE: Monday, 10/3/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole


ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Slim. Fishing and catching began slowly, with the water level still receding after generation. Slim got the hang real quickly on dead drifting a scud, and did real well, saying something like, "I must've died and gone to heaven". He must have caught 40 fish in 3-1/2 hours, including several on a damsel fly nymph. We befriended and became acquainted with two very nice men from Huntsville, Alabama, Larry and Chuck. Using the gray scud and a drag-free drift, Larry ended up catching 11 fish before lunch, and Chuck caught 4 or 5. Chuck will work on his dead drift, and will catch many trout on his next trip.

The river was packed this morning, with a lot of folks in for Southern Council Conclave. There was probably a fisherman every 30 yards or so from McClellan's Dock downstream to the island. We didn't see any of the fishers catch more than a couple of fish each, except as noted above.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Has the Slow Season Begun?

DATE: Tuesday, 9/27/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole


ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #14 brown Norfork River scud, #14 gray Norfork River scud, #20 Kay’s Gray, #14 mini bugger

OTHER: I fished with Dick. Wayne joined us later. We had a good morning, but catching has slowed considerably. Dick did real well, and caught about 20 fish, not bad for a slow morning. Wayne must have really got into them 'cause his rod was bent all morning. He definitely is a fishing machine. I'm afraid our "slow" season is upon us. The next few days should tell the tale, but if indeed it has slowed, it was good while it lasted.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

A Change in Scenery, Crooked Creek

DATE: Saturday, 9/24/2005

TIME: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, cloudy, light wind


LOCATIONS FISHED: Crooked Creek, downstream from Snow Access


ROD USED: Cabela’s light-action spinning rod and reel

FLIES USED: Rebel crawfish, Rebel grasshopper, Little “O”

OTHER: I fished with Kay, Ron, and his friend, Beverly. We had a great morning, and caught lots of fish, though most were small. We caught smallmouth bass, bream, rock bass, and a sucker. Ron caught a couple of dozen with several smallmouth bass weighing a pound or more. I hooked and played a short time a nice smallie, probably about two pounds, before it broke off. I could have done much better with a fly rod, but didn't know the conditions of the stream well enough. Next time, I'll take a 4 or 5 weight. Fishing Crooked Creek should be good until mid-November.

Friday, September 23, 2005

I Broke the 10’ Winston

DATE: Friday, 9/23/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, sunny


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole

HATCH: Small cream midges

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Wayne. We had a super morning, and caught lots of fish. Sad to say, no one else seemed to be catching any. It was pretty incredible, actually, as we were catching fish almost every other cast. On the next to last two casts, I heard my rod pop just a little, and on the last cast, nothing seemed to happen, and the end of the rod went shooting down the line. It BROKE at the butt end ferrule in the mid-section (3-piece rod). Fortunately, it was about time to go anyway.

P.S. As a post script, I mailed the rod back to Winston this very afternoon, about $10 postage, and $30 for repair, but that's not bad, and I want/need my 10-foot rod back.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Drifting Down the Norfork with Dick

DATE: Tuesday, 9/20/2005

TIME: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, partly cloudy, cold front moving in and low barometric pressure


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

HATCH: Small cream midges

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Wayne and Dick. We launched one-man pontoon boats at Quarry Park and floated downstream. We had a great morning, and caught fish. Hot spots were along the residential docks in the Resort Hole and the pool above the upper riffle at McClellan's. While we caught a decent number of fish, the numbers were down from previous weeks, although the size of fish was considerably larger. In the pool above the upper riffle at McClellan's, I caught 6 fish on the first 7 casts, and 5 were above 16 inches, though none were above 20 inches. I caught one brown, one cutthroat, and the rest were rainbows. Generation began about 11:00 AM and ran us off the river, though the one-man pontoons handled 2 generators just fine; in fact, I wouldn't hesitate to fish 2 generators from the pontoon. I didn't see many fish until the 2nd riffle below the Resort Hole, but saw several in that riffle on river left. I also did not see many redds.

Friday, September 16, 2005

A Slowdown in Fishing

DATE: Friday, 9/16/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, sunny


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole

HATCH: Small cream midges

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 brown Norfork River scud, #12 Dave’s Hopper, #14 foam ant

OTHER: I fished with Dick. We had a great morning, and caught lots of fish, though catching had slowed from previous trips. Also, fish have moved from previous trips. We did not observe many other fish being caught, so we must have been in the right place at the right time. Besides using the brown scud, I put on a hopper and caught a nice cutthroat. I switched to an ant and had a ferocious strike by a large brown, but could not hook up. By this time it was approaching lunch, and I was hungry so we left the river.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Back on the Norfork River

DATE: Tuesday, 9/13/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, sunny


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's, from Otter Creek to Ace in the Hole

HATCH: Small cream midges

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud, #16 brown Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Ed and his friend, Jim, both from Memphis. What a pleasure it was for Ed to have called this morning. I contacted Wayne, and he was resting from a trip to Minnesota. I wanted to fish and thought it would have to be solo, but then Ed called and said he was in town. Anyway, we had a great morning, and caught lots of fish. The fish seemed a little larger than those caught in previous days, and they had good color. Ed caught 4 tagged fish and I caught 3; none were big, though. Also, Ed and I picked up some coontail moss near Ace in the Hole and found SOWBUGS! One was dark chocolate, about a #14 or #16, and the other was olive brown, #18. It was good to see sowbugs back in the river as I have not seen them in several years.

Once again, it was a glorious day with lots of fish hooked and landed. Ed and I have never had a bad fishing trip after several years of fishing; in fact, they have all be great with lots of fish. I am truly blessed to have such good fly fishing friends!

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Piney Creek (Day 3), U-Cross, Wyoming

DATE: Thursday, 9/8/2005

TIME: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, sunny


LOCATIONS FISHED: Piney Creek, near U-Cross, Wyoming (upper limits of the creek on Dave and Sandy Todd’s Ranch)

HATCH: Small cream midges, blue winged olives, caddis

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #6 muddler minnow

OTHER: Fished with Dick. We fished the deep pool at the very upper end of Dave and Sandy Todd's ranch. I finally got rid of the top water stuff and small streamers, and fished a #6 HEAVY muddler minnow. It did the trick! After the 3rd or 4th cast across the creek, I threw the muddler minnow into the deep riffle and on the strip back I thought I had hung vegetation on the bottom. When it moved, knew I had a great fish. I managed to fight and land about a 16-inch rainbow trout that was HOT! Dick changed flies and put on a #6 muddier minnow as well, and made the best cast of his fly fishing career up into the same riffle. I saw a small flash and thought he had hung a 6-inch rainbow, but when I saw his rod doubled over, knew he had a good fish. He fought and landed a 17-inch rainbow that was very strong and heavy. We both quit fishing after the big fish, knowing that it would not get any better. We both saw a bigger fish than either of us caught but it was swimming for all it was worth after we scared it from its undercut hideout.

I took Kay back up to the riffle about 30 minutes later, but the casting was very difficult for her. I made a couple of casts and hooked two fish, both on the #6 muddler minnow. The secret to Piney Creek was to fish the deep riffles, with a heavy fly! This is a great creek, and will yield some big fish to the fly fisher that knows how to fish it.

As an aside, Dick, Carolyn, Kay, and I "scoped" out the upper parts of the ranch in the morning, and moved several mule deer with great sets of horns. When we got to the back edge of the ranch, we jumped 5 of the largest mule deer bucks either of us had ever seen. We followed them with binoculars across a ridge and onto the next ridge where they eventually laid down. Imagine this, five world-class mule deer, at one time, laying within a 25-foot diameter circle. In addition to these deer, we saw many other bucks, does, and fawns, as well as a small herd of antelope. This was indeed a great day God gave us, and one that will never be repeated in our lives.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Piney Creek (Day 2), U-Cross, Wyoming

DATE: Wednesday, 9/7/2005

TIME: 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, sunny


LOCATIONS FISHED: Piney Creek near U-Cross, Wyoming (middle limits of the creek on Dave and Sandy Todd’s ranch)


ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #12 parachute hopper, #14 foam ant, #10 olive woolly bugger, # orange woolly bugger

OTHER: I fished with Dick. The water in this reach has deeper pools, 6 to 8 feet deep, interspersed with riffles and shallow water. The creek has heavy growth of instream vegetation with few invertebrates observed. I did see an occasional rise, but was not able to take anything using dry flies. I managed one small rainbow on a woolly bugger, but saw several other fish. This creek has potential!

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Piney Creek, U-Cross, Wyoming

DATE: Tuesday, 9/6/2005

TIME: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80’s, sunny, windy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Piney Creek near U-Cross, Wyoming (lower limits of the creek on Dave and Sandy Todd’s ranch)

HATCH: Small cream midges

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #12 parachute hopper, #14 foam ant

OTHER: I fished with Dick. The water was relative skinny, with occasional riffles 3 to 4-feet deep. The creek had heavy growth of instream vegetation with few invertebrates observed. I did see an occasional rise, and had one hit on the hopper. I was unable to take any fish today.

Sunday, September 4, 2005

Sought Creek (Day 2), Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

DATE: Sunday, 9/4/2005

TIME: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

WEATHER: Low to mid-80’s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Slough Creek, Yellowstone National Park, upstream of 2nd walk-in


ROD USED: G Loomis 9’ 3-weight

FLIES USED: #12 parachute hopper, #14 foam ant

OTHER: I fished alone, making a number of casts against undercut, shaded banks, but was unable to bring a fish to the fly. In fact, I did not see evidence of fish or rises, nor did I see anyone else catch fish. Slough Creek was crowded, as one would expect for Labor Day weekend.

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Slough Creek, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

DATE: Saturday, 9/3/2005

TIME: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

WEATHER: Low to mid-80’s, partly cloudy, very windy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Slough Creek, Yellowstone National Park, above VIP Pool

HATCH: Occasional sulphur

ROD USED: G Loomis 9’ 3-weight

FLIES USED: #12 parachute hopper, #14 foam ant

OTHER: I fished with Kay. I managed 4 or 5 fish on a parachute hopper, and one on a black foam ant. The fish would move several feet to look at the fly, making a shark-like wake. Kay managed to catch a couple on parachute hopper. She's becoming a good fisher. We met a cancer survivor who's getting treatments in LR; his name is David Berry.

Thursday, September 1, 2005

DuPuy Spring Creek, Montana

DATE: Thursday, 9/1/2005
TIME: 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
WEATHER: Low 80’s, sunny, windy
WATER CONDITIONS: Normal, clear, and cold
LOCATIONS FISHED: DePuy Spring Creek, Montana, lower end below Eva’s Hut
HATCH: Occasional PMD
ROD USED: Sage 9’ 5-weight
FLIES USED: #14 parachute PMD, #22 sparkledun, #20 copper john
OTHER: I fished with Kay. We managed to take a couple of fish on the sparkledun, a couple on PMDs, and several on copper Johns. Fishing was tough.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Introducing a Texan to the Norfork

DATE: Friday, 8/26/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Mid-80s to low 90s, partly cloudy, fog on the river until about 10:00 AM


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole

HATCH: Small cream midges

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 gray Norfork River scud, #20 green cockleburr, #20 yellow Griffith's Gnat, #14 black cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Ed, Phillip, and their Texas friend, Jim. Jim, Ed, and Phillip fished the chute on river right at the head of Ace in the Hole and caught fish after fish using the #14 gray scud, and Ed put on a gray sowbug and continued to catch one fish after the other. We dead drifted the gray scud about 4 feet under a strike indicator. Ed, Jim, and I moved downstream to Mill Dam Eddy, and saw lots of sipping fish. We threw every emerger pattern we had, but the fish were extremely selective. I managed to catch two, and lose about 8 or 10. As usual time flies when one is "dry" fly fishing, and we moved back upstream in anticipation of generation. We left McClellan's. Suffice to say that everyone had a great day. These three guys can really fish, caught lots of fish, and were loads of fun. They fished Rim Shoals yesterday (August 25) and had luck on Ed's Big Ugly. They also reported rumors of a caddis hatch at Rim Shoals about 6:00 PM.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Everyone Caught Fish

DATE: Wednesday, 8/24/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM

WEATHER: Mid to high 80s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan's near Ace in the Hole

HATCH: Small cream midges and two crane flies

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #20 green cockleburr, #20 Kay’s Gray

OTHER: I fished with Kay and Dick. Kay and Dick fished the chute on river right; Dick caught lots of fish (30-50) using a #14 gray scud. I fished the flat water and struggled to catch any fish at all. I did manage to catch a half dozen, but worked very hard for them; my fly of choice was a #14 Kay's Gray, pulled under water and left stationary. Kay was having problems getting hookups. She "dared" me to fish her spot with her rod. She had mistakenly added too large of a diameter tippet. I cut it off, and put on 6X fluorocarbon with a #14 gray scud. She said I had to catch 5 fish to prove it was a good spot. I proceeded to take 5 fish on 6 casts—nothing big, but fun nevertheless.

Wayne and Frank were fishing above us. We couldn't see Frank, but noted Wayne's rod bending almost constantly. Once again, he is giving the fish a sore mouth. My guess is that Frank took advantage of the fish as well. These two guys are the best of the best on the river

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Slow Day on the Water

DATE: Monday, 8/22/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Mid to high 80s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

HATCH: Small cream midges

ROD USED: Winston 7’ 9” 2-weight LT

FLIES USED: #14 black cockleburr, #14 black ant, #14 olive cockleburr, #22 CDC cream midge

OTHER: I fished with Wayne. Fishing gulping fish in flat water this time of year has a way of humbling people, and I'm no exception. I threw everything except the kitchen sink to the fish, and only managed to catch a half dozen or so. I was able to entice a few on a simple black cockleburr (black dubbing and black palmered hackle), a black ant, and a CDC cream midge fly. On a number of occasions, when the line would fly over the water, fish would scatter like crazy; they are so spooked. I did manage to catch a couple at Elisabeth Creek, and missed several more, but they, too, were skittish. Fish were gulping like crazy at Mill Dam Eddy, and looked like easy pickings, but NO WAY. They struck the ant with ferocity the first half dozen casts, but then totally quit, and would not strike anything. They wouldn't even move to look at my flies. Anyway, Wayne—knowing my weakness for dry fly fishing—had enticed me to fish for rising fish, and sure enough got me hooked again. Though I didn't catch many fish, it was a blast, and time flew by. Wayne caught lots of fish as usual, and just seems to know when and where they are, and what they are hitting.

Friday, August 19, 2005

OMG, What a Day

DATE: Thursday, 8/18/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Low to high 90s, mostly sunny


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

HATCH: Small cream midges early in the morning

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 tan Norfork River scud, #14 gray Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished solo. Wayne dropped me off at Quarry Park access at the dam and I used a one-man pontoon to drift downstream to the top of the 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access. Water was turbid coming in from Dry Run Creek, and clouded up the river significantly. Someone said the US Fish and Wildlife Service flushed the hatchery. Anyway, it sure messed up the Norfork. I tried fishing near the access, but didn't get any hits. N the Resort Hole, below Gene's Trout Dock, I fished a #14 tan scud about 4 feet below a strike indicator using 6X Orvis flourocarbon tippet, with no weight except the weighted fly. Further downstream in the Resort Hole, near the private docks, I caught a few fish by slowly dead drifting the scud slightly on river right, but had to fish between several boats. I switched to the gray scud and caught a few more fish. I stopped at the riffle at the tail end of the Resort Hole and caught 4 fish, but had to work for them. Boats from upstream moved downstream through the riffle and set up in the Long Hole. I moved down through the Long Hole, and caught fish between the bait-chunking boats, but not as easily as yesterday, August 17. Boats were crowded in the pool, and didn't leave much room for anyone else to fish. Oh well, I guess it's their water too, and they were there first. They moved out about 11:00 AM and I moved into a location about mid-way of the pool, and began catching rainbows and cutthroats like crazy. I managed to catch one 17-inch rainbow and a brook trout, but didn’t catch any browns today. The fishing was pretty awesome. Three fish struck furiously at the yellow strike indicator. I'm going to put a #12 popper in the fly box for next time. I finally made myself move so as to fish below McClellan's, but the water came up. I was appreciative since the wind was blowing upstream and rowing was a struggle. Once again, it was a great day, and the Lord richly blessed me. Seems like the mojo has returned as has the desire to fish—I can't get enough of it.

Wayne had another fabulous day, and caught lots of fish as usual, almost one right after the other. He also landed some nice browns. It's amazing to watch him fish. He's almost like a machine, and his reactions are uncanny. I don't believe anyone can out fish him, day in day out, on the Norfork River. And oh, by the way, it’s a sure thing—now, he definitely has ruint me!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fishing Out of the Pontoon Isn’t Half Bad

DATE: Wednesday, 8/17/2005

TIME: 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM

WEATHER: Low to mid-80s, cloudy, drizzle most of AM


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access


ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 tan Norfork River scud, #14 gray Norfork River scud, #12 hopper

OTHER: I fished solo, but met up with Wayne towards the end of the day. He dropped me off at Quarry Park and I used a one-man pontoon to drift downstream to the top of the 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access. I didn't begin fishing until just below Gene's Trout Dock in the Resort Hole. I fished a #14 tan scud about 4 feet below a strike indicator using 7X Orvis flourocarbon tippet, with no weight except the weighted fly. Near the private docks in the Resort Hole, I caught a few fish slowly dead drifting the scud slightly on river right, but had to fish between several boats. At the riffle at the tail end of the Resort Hole, I switched to a gray scud and caught a few more fish. I continued drifting below the riffle in the Long Hole above the riffle above McClellan's and caught fish, seemingly one after the other, about middle ways of the pool towards river right. As I drifted downstream, the bait chunking guide boats moved in behind me. I caught 4 or 5 fish about 15 inches, and lost 4 or 5 more about that size as well. Fish caught were mostly rainbows with one brown and a couple of cutthroat's thrown in. I drifted downstream to McClellan's near Ace in the Hole, and caught fish like crazy. Someone said they released fish today, and it is likely since the chute area at McClellan's was jam-packed with people. Anyway, the fish were in a frenzy. I saw lots of fish alongside the island below McClellan's, but couldn't entice any to take a dry fly. I fished at Mill Dam Eddy for a few minutes and managed to take a couple of nice 15-inch fish. It was a delightful day. I am really enjoying time on the river in the pontoon boat. It’s pretty awesome to sit comfortably, drink coffee, and catch fish.

As usual, Wayne caught lots of fish, and had some nice browns. He's still the best fisher on the river, day in, day out. I'm afraid he's ruint me!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Isn’t Life Grand

DATE: Wednesday, 8/10/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Low to mid-90s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s downstream to island


ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 tan Norfork River scud, #14 olive cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Kay and Dick. I fished a #14 tan scud about 4 feet below a strike indicator using 7X Orvis flourocarbon tippet, with no weight except the weighted fly. I began to fish just above the “Catch and Release” sign across the river from Otter Creek, and caught 8 fish dead drifting the tan scud from above the sign to the point at Ace in the Hole. Dick and Kay were fishing at the point, and both were catching fish, using the same setup. I moved Dick to the flat water, and I tied on a #14 olive cockleburr with floatant, and dead drifted it over some rising fish. I immediately picked up a fish. I had Dick tie on a #20 olive cockleburr; he couldn't see the fly so I tied a #14 black cockleburr to his tippet. This was Dick's lesson on emerger fishing the Norfork River. He caught several fish, including 2 nice 14-15 inchers. Kay continued to catch fish upstream at the point dead drifting the scud. After about two hours, all the other fishers left the river and we had the whole river to ourselves. Ain't life grand? We fished all morning and had a great dime, catching lots of fish.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Lazy Float and Fishing

DATE: Tuesday, 8/9/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM

WEATHER: Low to mid-90s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park downstream to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access


ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 tan Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Wayne. Kay shuttled us to the Quarry Park and we used kick boats to drift downstream to Wayne's. I didn't begin fishing until just below Gene's Trout Dock in the Resort Hole because of crowded river. I fished a #14 tan scud about 4 feet below a strike indicator using 7X Orvis flourocarbon tippet, with no weight except the weighted fly. At the private docks in the lower part of the Resort Hole, I caught 8 fish slowly dead drifting the scud slightly on river right. At the riffle at the tail end of the Resort Hole, I waded and caught several fish. I continued drifting to the Long Hole and again caught several fish. Fish caught were mostly rainbows with a couple of cutthroat's thrown in. No fish were caught of any significant size (above 15 inches). Generation started and I began rowing to exit the river. I continued to catch fish downstream of McClellan's. All fish were caught with the same setup, and the same fly. It was a delightful day. I wish I had wet waded because of the heat. Also of note, I had forgotten how much fun it was to fish the 10’ 4-weight Winston WT.

As usual, Wayne caught lots of fish, and had two very nice brown trout (one 20 inches). He's still the best fisher on the river, day in, day out. I find myself fishing more and more like him. Now, if I could only catch fish like him!

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Great Fishing at McClellan’s

DATE: Thursday, 8/4/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-80s to low 90s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s downstream of Otter Creek


ROD USED: Winston 7’ 9” 2-weight LT

FLIES USED: #16 copper Norfork River scud, #14 tan Norfork River scud, #14 flying ant

OTHER: I fished with Dick. We fished just above the point at Ace in the Hole, across from the leaning sycamore tree. I cast about 50 feet to a seam near the opposite bank, and fish would hit the scud imitations every 3rd or 4th cast. The bottom line is that Dick took about two dozen fish on the scuds—not bad for someone just learning to fly fish. He is probably the best male student I've ever taught (he listens!), and was quick to observe that drag free drifts produce hook-ups. I observed dead scuds near the surface of the water; they were a yellow/brown color, but looked a transparent tan when held under water. I also noted scuds on the bottom, size 16 or so. I did manage to take one fish on a flying ant. It was a great day, and fishing was about as good as I've seen it at McClellan's in a long time.

Just another note: Dick and I were fishing about 60 feet apart, and we had some yahoo on a one-man pontoon try to fish between us. My patience runs short in retirement, and I politely asked him to leave. He gave some smart ass answer, but did leave. Over the course of the last several years, fly fishing etiquette has become almost non-existent. I've had people walk in water I was fishing, almost cross my line, throw cigarette butts in the water, etc. We've got to begin emphasizing good etiquette—and the guides are among the worst! However, in fairness, some are very polite (Tom Hawthorne's bunch at Ozark Angler, John Gulley up here in Norfork); don't infringe on their client's water).

Saturday, July 30, 2005

A Large Rainbow and No Picture

DATE: Saturday, 7/30/2005

TIME: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-80s to low 90s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s downstream of Otter Creek


ROD USED: Winston 7- 9” 2-weight LT

FLIES USED: #20 DunnZDun, #14 flying ant, #16 copper Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Kay, and Ron and Ginger. Fish were rising along a leaf line at Ace in the Hole. I managed to take one fish on a DunnZDun, and then switched to a flying ant. I took the largest rainbow of my life. It smashed the ant on second cast (missed a fish on first cast). I was sure to lose the fish with 2-weight rod and 7X tippet. I fought the tagged fish to hand, unhooked it, and thought it was about to die. I did not get a photo or measurement because I was handling the fish very carefully to prevent it from expiring; it fought a great fight and I did not want to mishandle it. Anyway, the fish recovered without measurement or photo. I am guessing it to be 23+ inches. It had a huge girth. I did catch several more fish, including another with a tag, with the copper scud fished below strike indicator. Ron also took several fish.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Mr. Sowbug?

DATE: Friday, 7/29/2005

TIME: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-80s to low 90s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: White River, Walk-in Access at Bull Shoals Dam

HATCH: Tiny black midges, crane flies

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #20 olive cockleburr, #14 black cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Dick. The river was crowded as usual. I managed to take a couple of fish on #20 olive cockleburr, but missed two others. Mr. Sowbug was on the water and is a bit obnoxious. He had his cell phone with and unbelievably loud ring. He talked on and on, and his voice was so loud that it annoyed everyone within about 300 yards. He was teaching a class on nymphing. I managed not to say anything, BUT then he began crowding me, and almost cast his line over mine several times. I was holding back on my cast, casting only about 30 feet instead of the usual 60 feet or so I had been casting. I ask him if he knew me and he just waved me off. He kept crowding closer and closer and I finally told him he was fishing my water. He left; and it’s worth repeating, he’s obnoxious.

By the way, his phone conversation was about minimum flow and water pollution. I wonder if he ever heard of noise pollution. It's SOBs like him that damage the cause of protecting our waters, and unfortunately, there are too many of him around as wannabe fly fishing celebrities, officers in fly fishing clubs, etc. It makes me want to puke!

Monday, July 18, 2005

The Old Flies Don’t Work

DATE: Monday, 7/18/2005

TIME: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-80s to low 90s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, riffle above McClellan’s

HATCH: Tiny black midges, crane flies

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #20 olive cockleburr, #14 furnace cockleburr, #14 flying ant, #16 parachute sulphur, various other dry flies and emergers

OTHER: I fished with Wayne at the riffle above McClellan’s, both river left and river right. I missed several fish before hooking up. Fishing for me was tough, at best, and old, dependable flies did not work. I managed to catch 7 fish, but worked real hard for them. My most successful fly was #20 olive cockleburr.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Mostly Cutthroats

DATE: Wednesday, 7/13/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 80s to low 90s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, riffle above McClellan’s

HATCH: Tiny black midges, crane flies

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #20 olive cockleburr, #14 furnace cockleburr, #14 flying ant, #16 parachute sulphur, various other dry flies and emergers

OTHER: I fished with Wayne at the riffle above McClellan’s, both river left and river right. I missed at least 6 fish before hooking up. The fish were swirling on the #14 olive cockleburr. I finally ended up getting some catches—about 15—mostly cutthroats; I didn’t catch any big fish, but had loads of fun. I did manage to take 3 on the parachute sulphurs in shallow water near head of riffle. Wayne, as usual, caught lots of fish until generation began and ran us off the river.

Saturday, July 2, 2005

Crooked Creek

DATE: Saturday, 7/2/2005

TIME: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 90s, clear


LOCATIONS FISHED: Crooked Creek, Snow Access


ROD USED: Unknown


OTHER: I fished with Ron and Kay. Ron caught a bunch; Kay caught two.

Friday, July 1, 2005

Getting Crosswise

DATE: Friday, 7/1/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 80s to mid-80s, overcast


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, riffle above McClellan’s

HATCH: Tiny black midges, crane flies

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #20 olive cockleburr, #14 furnace cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Dick Todd. I fished downstream of the riffle—there was a boat crosswise in the riffle, right where the fish tend to hold. The boat had pushed the fish downstream and they were feeding on midge clusters. The #20 olive cockleburr took some fish cast quartering downstream and stripped back. The boat left after about an hour and we moved upstream and the fish followed. Fish were coming out of the water for the #14 olive cockleburr. There were no big fish, but the small ones were loads of fun.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Good Day, but Small Fish

DATE: Wednesday, 6/29/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

WEATHER: Low 90s to high 90s, clear, calm


LOCATIONS FISHED: White River, 1st riffle at Rim Shoals


ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #20 olive cockleburr, #14 beaded San Juan worm

OTHER: I fished with Ed and Phillip. Water was failing upon our arrival. I caught 5 fish immediately on the #14 beaded San Juan worm, then switched to dry flies, with no significant luck. Finally, I began casting about 65 feet quartering downstream with #20 olive cockleburr, then stripping back. I ended the day catching fish on 4 consecutive casts; there was no appreciable size to the fish. Ed and Phillip were fishing a “big ugly” dry fly and caught several fish each, on top. The fish absolutely smashed the fly!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tiny Black Midges

DATE: Tuesday, 6/28/2005

TIME: 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM

WEATHER: Low 90s to high 90s, clear, calm


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy

HATCH: Tiny black midges

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #20 olive cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Ed and Phillip, and Mill Dam Eddy was packed with 3 of us plus John Gulley and 3 clients. Fish were midging, and taking midge clusters on the water. The #20 olive cockleburr was effective, as was a #22 Sproat midge in black. I had to leave after a short while, but Ed and Phillip caught fish most of the morning. I did not fish with them in the afternoon, but they fished Rim Shoals late in the afternoon with some “big ugly” flies (sorry, I can't reveal the pattern, but it was BIG), and caught several fish on top.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Ed Break’s the Code

DATE: Monday, 6/27/2005

TIME: 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 90s to high 90s, clear, calm


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s downstream to Mill Dam Eddy

HATCH: Sulphurs, crane flies

ROD USED: Winston 7’ 9” 2-weight LT; Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 sulphur, #14 furnace cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Ed and Phillip. Fishing was TOUGH. Parachute sulphurs brought some fish to the surface at the riffle above the island below McClellan's (Ed broke the code on the pattern). At Mill Dam Eddy, the #14 cockleburr was taking fish on the surface as well as stripped. Both Ed and Phillip caught fish. Generation began and ran us off the river.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fishing Dry Flies

DATE: Tuesday, 6/21/2005

TIME: 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM

WEATHER: Mid-80 to high 80s, clear, calm


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Mill Dam Eddy

HATCH: Very small black midges

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Wayne. Upon arrival at Mill Dam Eddy, fish were rising like crazy just downstream of the stickup, near where the tree hangs over the water. The fish were midging, and frankly, taking just about anything hitting the water. Well, they hit the #14 furnace cockleburr like crazy. I managed to take a large cutthroat, about 21 inches, and 3 rainbows about 16 inches. I did not fish but about 1-1/2 hours as I had consulting work to do. Pictures of two of the fish are shown.clip_image002


Saturday, June 11, 2005

Our Last Day in Quetico, 2005

clip_image004DATE: Friday, 6/10/2005

TIME: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM

WEATHER: Mid-50s to low 80s, mostly cloudy, rain

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, temperature unknown

LOCATIONS FISHED: Quetico Wilderness, Ontario, Canada—Basswood Lake


ROD USED: Winston 9’ 7-weight BL5 Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: Olive green, two-toned #6 hard body foam popper

OTHER: Today was our last day in camp. We awoke to an amazing sunrise, but the weather would change. Ed "guided" me in the morning before we broke camp. Rain returned for our paddle and shuttle back to civilization. We sure carry a lot of stuff for a one-week trip. It was fun, but the rain most of the week dampened our spirits, and took a little bit of the glitter off this otherwise great annual trip.clip_image002


Friday, June 10, 2005

A Day of Sunshine

DATE: Thursday, 6/9/2005

TIME: 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM

WEATHER: Mid-40s to mid-70s, mostly sunny

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, temperature unknown

LOCATIONS FISHED: Quetico Wilderness, Ontario, Canada—Basswood Lake


ROD USED: Winston 9’ 7-weight BL5 Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: Olive green, two-toned #6 hard body foam popper

OTHER: I fished (i.e. paddled) with Ed. The weather finally changed—for the better. We had an extended period of sun today, and the bass began hitting the poppers on top. Ed managed to catch a nice smallmouth of the tip of the island. There were a lot of smiles in camp tonight.clip_image002


Thursday, June 9, 2005

Still Raining

DATE: Wednesday, 6/8/2005

TIME: 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 40s to low 50s, cloudy, rain

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, temperature unknown

LOCATIONS FISHED: Quetico Wilderness, Ontario, Canada—Basswood Lake


ROD USED: Winston 9’ 7-weight BL5 Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: Root beer Gitzit

OTHER: It’s still cold and wet, but fishing has improved somewhat. This is the worst weather year so far in the four years our group has come to Quetico Wilderness. Nevertheless, we make the most of the situation.clip_image002


Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Despite the Rain, A Big Fish

DATE: Tuesday, 6/7/2005

TIME: 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 40s to high 40s, cloudy, rain

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, temperature unknown

LOCATIONS FISHED: Quetico Wilderness, Ontario, Canada—Basswood Lake


ROD USED: Winston 9’ 7-weight BL5 Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: Root beer Gitzits

OTHER: It is raining almost constantly, and cold; will this rain ever quit? Despite the rain, we fished today—it was either fish and be cold, or stay in camp and be cold! With no success on popping bugs, I suggested Ed cast a root beer colored gitzit with a sinking tip, and he had moderate success. Then, a 6-pound smallmouth inhaled the fly and Ed landed the first big fish of the trip.

Monday, June 6, 2005

It’s Cold Up Here

DATE: Monday, 6/6/2005

TIME: 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM

WEATHER: Low-40s to mid-50s, mostly cloudy, rain

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, temperature unknown

LOCATIONS FISHED: Quetico Wilderness, Ontario, Canada—Basswood Lake


ROD USED: Winston 9’ 7-weight BL5 Joan Wulff Favorite


OTHER: The rain which began yesterday has not let up, creating wet and cold conditions for wilderness canoeing and camping. With 6 of us and a guide couple, we are well-armed for just about any kind of fishing. This was Ed’s first trip to Quetico, at my invitation, and he began to question his decision to come with the cold and wet weather as we spent a lot of time around the fire. While fishing off the tip of the island, Kay did take a nice smallmouth bass which Harry netted for her.clip_image004


Sunday, June 5, 2005

Quetico Wilderness, 2005

DATE: Sunday, 6/5/2005

TIME: 6:00 AM to 5:30 PM

WEATHER: Low 50s to mid-60s, cloudy, rain, windy in the afternoon

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, temperature unknown

LOCATIONS FISHED: Quetico Wilderness, Ontario, Canada—Basswood Lake


ROD USED: Winston 9’ 7-weight BL5 Joan Wulff Favorite


OTHER: We departed “civilization” early this morning for our annual trip into Quetico Wilderness. George and I shared a canoe, paddling in relative calm water with overcast skies to reach our island home for the next 6 days and 5 nights. Fishing was difficult at best, and there were no takers for popping bugs, or any other surface fly.clip_image002


Tuesday, May 3, 2005

First Fishing Trip in a One-Man Pontoon

DATE: Tuesday, 5/3/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-40s to mid-60s, partly cloudy, mild wind


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

HATCH: Various midges

ROD USED: Winston 7- 9” 2-weight LT

FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr, #16 olive Norfork River scud

OTHER: I fished with Wayne and Harold. We "floated" from Quarry Park to top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access. I caught lots of fish on both the cockleburr and scud, and saw lots of fish in the river, particularly in the pools. I spent most of the day adjusting the one-man pontoon. It’s a nice craft, and allows one to see much of the river. At this point in my learning to use one, it's impossible to fish, though, because the wind blows me all over the place, turning me around in circles. I'll try an anchor to see if it helps. Fishing has been WOW. It's good to be back in the swing of things. I saw a dead male brown trout in the water below Mill Dam Eddy. The fish measured 34 inches and 24 pounds. It was bleeding through the anus and was discolored on one side.

Monday, May 2, 2005

Great Fishing, Good Catching

DATE: Monday, 5/2/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

WEATHER: Mid-40s to low 60s, partly cloudy, mild wind


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s downstream of Otter Creek

HATCH: Various midges

ROD USED: Winston 7- 9” 2-weight LT

FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr

OTHER: I fished with Wayne; fishing was excellent. I caught lots of fish casting the #14 cockleburr quartering downstream, then stripping it back. The fish hit on almost every cast, but lots of fished were missed. Nothing huge was caught, but fish were healthy with lots of color.

Sunday, May 1, 2005

May Day Fishing

DATE: Sunday, 5/1/2005

TIME: 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-50s to low 60s, partly cloudy, mild wind


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s downstream of Otter Creek

HATCH: Various midges

ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr

OTHER: I fished solo on the left side of both islands across from Ol’ Charlie’s, stripping the furnace cockleburr and catching lots of fish. I had good success at both the lower end of both the upper and lower pools. The fish were pretty hot and well colored.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Catching Fish

DATE: Saturday, 4/30/2005
TIME: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
WEATHER: Mid-40s to mid-70s, partly cloudy, mild wind
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park, and McClellan’s at the upstream riffle and downstream of Otter Creek to Mill Dam Eddy
HATCH: Light Cahill, gray/olive caddis, and various midges
ROD USED: Unknown
FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr, #16 caddis
OTHER: I fished with Wayne; fishing was excellent. I caught fish on nearly every cast at Mill Dam Eddy using the #14 cockleburr cast quartering downstream, then stripping back. Fish hit on almost every cast; nothing huge, but fish were healthy with lots of color. We left after about 3 hours as John Gulley brought clients to fish the riffle at Mill Dam Eddy.

Friday, April 29, 2005

A Two River Day

DATE: Friday, 4/29/2005
TIME: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
WEATHER: Mid-60s, mostly cloudy
WATER CONDITIONS: 0 units on the Norfork; 1 unit on the White
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access on the Norfork River; upper riffle at Rim Shoals
HATCH: Small tan caddis, large olive caddis, and a #26 beige midge
ROD USED: Unknown
FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr, #16 bead head pheasant tail, #14 wine San Juan worm
OTHER: I fished with Wayne. On the Norfork, I had 2 hits on the bead head pheasant tail, but could not get a hook set. I had a ferocious hit on the furnace cockleburr, with the fish coming almost all the way out of the water. I caught a nice 14-inch cutbow, but missed another fish on a ferocious hit on the cockleburr. Water started rising very fast after only 45 minutes. We went immediately to Rim Shoals, and the water was still high, and rising. I did not catch anything, and only fished about 15 minutes. Birds were flying high above both the Norfork and Rim Shoals, chasing caddis. With any luck, we'll have low water tomorrow and can get in a caddis hatch. Water was down Tuesday afternoon, but Kay and I had other plans so I could not go. Wayne said that the caddis hatch was awesome, and the fish were rising to the hatch. Oh well, one can't win them all.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Lower Crooked Creek in April

DATE: Friday, 4/22/2005

TIME: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-60s, mostly cloudy, strong wind (15+ mph)


LOCATIONS FISHED: Crooked Creek, downstream at Lower Crooked Creek Public Access in Rea Valley


ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #4 hard body gray slider, #2 ginger bunny fly, #5 rubber legged woolly bugger

OTHER: I fished with Ron, Bev, and Kay. I saw lots of smallmouth in about 3 to 4 feet of water. Some appeared to be as large as 16 inches. I fished all the flies mentioned, but could not interest the fish in anything. I did not notice any beds, but we had had a tremendous storm move through the area the day before, and another front was blowing in. Ron fished with a small crawfish lure and several other smallmouth lures, but only managed to take a couple of fish. Kay did have one strike using a Rebel crawfish, but missed on the hook set. Crooked Creek was a pretty stream, close to home, and we will definitely go back. I can't wait to get into some fish with poppers and sliders during warmer weather.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

White River below Beaver Dam

DATE: Tuesday, 4/19/2005

TIME: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-70s, sunny, strong wind (15+ mph)


LOCATIONS FISHED: White River, immediately downstream of Beaver Dam

HATCH: Slight midge hatch (fish were moderately rising to hatching insects

ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #20 miracle midge, #14 furnace cockleburr, #16 bead head pheasant tail

OTHER: I fished with great friend, Wayne. It was great to be back on the water; I haven't fished since early March. The Beaver Dam tail water IS NOT the glorious Norfork River, but it was okay. The water was skinny, and there was little to no structure in the stream. There was almost not enough flow to drift a nymph and strike indicator. I managed to catch 7 rainbow trout, and all but one were caught on the bead head pheasant tail fly. All the fish, except one, were full of color, and had a lot of spunk; the largest may have been 14 inches. There were several other fly fishers on the river, fishing mostly downstream. I will fish this tail water again, but definitely prefer the White River below Bull Shoals Dam and the Norfork River.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

It’s Freezing Out Here

DATE: Tuesday, 3/15/2005

TIME: 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM

WEATHER: High 30s to low 40s, sunny, moderate wind, sleet, snow, and rain


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s at or near the dock, and at the riffle above the dock

HATCH: Moderate midge hatch, fish rising to hatch

ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr, #24 pear glass bead head zebra midge, #24 pearl glass bead head green caddis pupa, #14 bead head mini woolly bugger

OTHER: I fished with Wayne and Slim. Slim and I started at the dock at McClellan's. Fishing was slow, but I finally got some hits downstream on #14 furnace cockleburr, and ended up taking 4 fish just downstream of McClellan's Dock. I moved up to the riffle, and cast the #14 furnace cockleburr quartering downstream and picked up one fish, and had another strike. I finally froze out and left for home and hot coffee. It was tough fishing in tough fishing conditions.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Anyone Want a Brittany?

DATE: Saturday, 3/12/2005

TIME: 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM

WEATHER: Mid-70s to low 80s, heavy winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s at or near the dock

HATCH: Moderate midge hatch, fish rising to hatch

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr, #14 olive gray Norfork River scud, #24 pear glass bead head zebra midge, #24 pearl glass bead head green caddis pupa, #14 bead head mini woolly bugger

OTHER: Wayne picked me up at 8:20 AM, and we were in the water by 8:45 AM. We fished right at the dock at McClellan's. Fishing was slow to begin, and it took me about an hour to break the code. Fish were taking a #24 pearl glass bead head zebra midge dropped below a #24 olive grad scud. I used 8X tippet to drop the midge. There were no hits whatsoever on the scud. The scud/midge combination netted about a dozen fish. I tried a similar combination with a small caddis pupa fly and fish were sporadic in taking it. With the wind (it was white capping as the winds were blowing upstream), I kept getting tangled, so I tried fishing with just the pupa, but no luck. I finally tied on a #14 bead head mini wooly bugger, casting perpendicular to the flow as far as I could heave the 5-weight, then stripping back immediately. WOW! For the first time today, I was getting a hit, or multiple hits, on every cast. I didn't count the fish but it was awesome, and probably, the best fishing (make that catching) time I've ever experienced. I had hookup after hookup, and Wayne was using something similar and was catching twice as many fish as I; go figure! That man is a fish catching machine. I broke off more times than I care to remember, and used half dozen flies completely up, so it’s back to the tying bench. What a day--ANOTHER GREAT DAY IN PARADISE. Retirement is all that it was cracked up to be!

P.S. My dog almost died tonight; she got the partridge skin off my fly tying desk and totally destroyed it. Had it been a neck, she would be gone! Is anyone looking to acquire a 12-year old, sweet Brittany? Otherwise, I'm in the market for a top notch partridge skin.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

A “Come Uppance” Day

DATE: Thursday, 3/10/2005

TIME: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-50s, partly sunny, heavy winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Quarry Park

HATCH: Moderate midge hatch, on sporadic fish rising to hatch

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #14 furnace cockleburr, #16 olive gray Norfork River scud, #14 bead head mini woolly bugger, #20 Dunn’s Dun

OTHER: I fished with Wayne. We were able to enter the water shortly after the water receded, about noon. Fishing was exceedingly tough; however, Wayne, as usual, managed to catch fish almost at will. I, on the other hand, took only half dozen or so. I had bunches of looks and short strikes on the Dunn's Dun, but couldn’t manage a hook-up. I did take fish on #14 bead head mini wooly bugger, cast quartering downstream and stripping it back. The warning horn blew at 3:00 pm signaling beginning of generation. Today was a “come-uppance” for catching so many fish on Monday and Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Counting Fish

DATE: Tuesday, 3/8/2005

TIME: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-50s, partly sunny, light breeze


LOCATIONS FISHED: White River, Bull Shoals Dam Walk-in Access

HATCH: Moderate midge hatch, on sporadic fish rising to hatch

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: #20 furnace cockleburr, #14 black cockleburr,#16 bead head pheasant tail

OTHER: I fished with Wayne (Chuck Kelly was also fishing there, and we fished in close proximity the entire time). All three of us caught lots of fish. I had an absolutely awesome day; in fact, it was the best day since April 15, 2003, when Ed, Mike, and I caught lots of fish on caddis flies at Rim Shoals. In fact, it was even better than yesterday, March 7. I have tried very hard to not count fish, but today, I counted. The first hour alone I hooked and landed 27 fish, all on a bead head pheasant tail. After fish number 13, I just knew I was in for bad luck, and sure enough about 5 minutes passed by without so much as even a strike. I finally checked the hook and it was bent over backward, probably from releasing the last fish with forceps. I put on another bead head pheasant tail, and resumed catching fish. After 27, I switched to dry flies, and the catching slowed considerably. I did get three awesome strikes on the black cockleburr, and landed the fish, but I used about an hour of time “experimenting” with the black cockleburr. I switched back to a bead head pheasant tail, and caught one more before the horn sounded. What a fantastic day!

Monday, March 7, 2005

One of those Special Days

DATE: Monday, 3/7/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-50s, partly sunny, moderate winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: White River, Rim Shoals

HATCH: Significant midge hatch; captured one #12 March Brown mayfly. Fish were moderately rising to hatching insects

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #14 unweighted red San Juan worm, #14 furnace cockleburr, #16 gray White River sowbug, #14 bead head mini woolly bugger, #20 Dunn’s Dun

OTHER: I fished with Wayne. We both caught lots of fish. I had an absolutely awesome day; in fact, it was the best day since April 15, 2003, when Ed, Mike, and I caught lots of fish on caddis flies at Rim Shoals. It rained real hard for several minutes, but the fish kept biting. I had the most success on #14 furnace cockleburr, stripped in heavy current. I lost the rod tip on the Winston 10-foot, 4-weight rod.

Sunday, March 6, 2005

Great Day on the Norfork

DATE: Sunday, 3/6/2005

TIME: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM

WEATHER: High 60s, partly cloudy, moderate winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, McClellan’s to Mill Dam Eddy

HATCH: Significant midge hatch, some tan caddis, some crane flies in the air. Fish were moderately rising to hatch

ROD USED: Winston 10’ 4-weight WT

FLIES USED: #16 gray Norfork River scud, #14 furnace cockleburr, #14 weighted red San Juan worm

OTHER: I had a great day on the water, catching 15 or so fish—two on the gray scud and the rest on a greased #14 furnace cockleburr. It was good to be dry fly fishing once again, and the fish weren't bashful—nothing big was caught, but most were in the 15-inch range—one was a cutthroat and the rest were rainbows. I am fortunate to be blessed with so many friends. Other than Kay, one of my very best friends in the world is Wayne, and he is second to none in catching fish. He has taken time to give me bunches of pointers on fishing the Norfork at different times of the year, and, in fact, fishing the Norfork under just about any circumstance. His word is true, and I follow his direction explicitly. Without a doubt, Wayne is a human fish catching machine, and those of us who know him and fish with him are fortunate indeed. Today was no exception, and Wayne gave me some invaluable pointers about fishing parts of the river in March. Enough for today, and let's keep our fingers crossed for wade fishing tomorrow.

Saturday, March 5, 2005

A Slow Day in March

DATE: Saturday, 3/5/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-50s, partly cloudy, moderate winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access

HATCH: Moderate midge hatch; a few fish were rising to hatches

ROD USED: Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT Joan Wulff Favorite

FLIES USED: # 14 unweighted red San Juan worm, #14 furnace cockleburr, #18 gray Norfork River scud, #20 beaded caddis pupa, and #20 beaded zebra midge

OTHER: I caught three, and none were large. All were caught on a #20 beaded caddis pupa. The river was crowded, though I saw only one other fish caught.

Friday, March 4, 2005

Rude and Crude

DATE: Friday, 3/4/2005

TIME: 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-60s, partly cloudy, strong winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access and Mill Dam Eddy

HATCH: Significant midge hatch; crane flies were on the water surface and in the air, and possibly some caddis were hatching. Fish were rising to hatches.

ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: # 14 unweighted red San Juan worm, #18 Big Horn shrimp, #14 furnace cockleburr, #14 weighted wine San Juan worm

OTHER: It was great to be back on the water; I haven't fished since February 11. Generation ceased at about 9:00 AM after beginning at about 5:00 AM. I fished with my best friend today, Kay. I caught about 10 fish, including a brown that measured 17 inches and a cutthroat that would go about 15 inches. The cutthroat had brilliant orange gill plates. All the fish were caught on #14 unweighted red San Juan worm. Kay caught 2 fish on #14 furnace cockleburr fished in the film. She did a masterful job of playing both fish. We had one drift boat stop right beside Kay to let the "client" fish. After about 30 minutes I walked over to help Kay tie on a fly and the guide boat left immediately. Thank goodness for 260+ pounds of bulk! I didn't say anything, but was disappointed with the unethical guide.

Friday, February 11, 2005

First Big Fish of the Year

DATE: Friday, 2/11/2005

TIME: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 60s, partly cloudy, moderate winds


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, top of 2nd island above Ackerman/Handicap Access HATCH: Significant midge hatch

ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #14 weighted wine San Juan worm, #20 pearl beaded white/black zebra midge with white zelon tail; #14 olive Norfork River scud

OTHER: It was great to be back on the water as I haven't fished since January 4. River levels finally dropped enough to wade on Thursday, February 10 about 4:00 pm. Generation began today at 6:00 AM and tapered off about 11:00 AM. The river began rising again at 3:00 PM. I caught 5 fish today, including one rainbow that would go at least 19 inches. I caught another rainbow that was about 16 inches, football shaped and heavy, and circled tightly when I was bringing it in. The fish looked odd—maybe whirling disease? All the other fish were 12+ inches.

Tuesday, January 4, 2005

A Beautiful Little Brookie

DATE: Tuesday, 1/4/2005

TIME: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

WEATHER: Mid-60s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, below Ackerman/Handicap Access

HATCH: Significant midge hatch; crane flies were on the water surface and in the air, and possibly some caddis were hatching. Fish were rising to hatches.

ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #18 olive Norfork River scud dropping a #26 pear beaded black midge, #20 Griffith’s Gnat

OTHER: I fished with Wayne and Harold. I caught two fish—a rainbow and a brook trout—at the Buffalo Horns (near Tony Austin's). The brookie took a #20 Griffith's Gnat; it was only about 8 inches long, but the most beautiful colored fish I have caught in several years. Fishing has been real slow since late November.

Saturday, January 1, 2005

New Year’s Day

DATE: Saturday, 1/1/2005

TIME: 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM

WEATHER: Mid-60s, partly cloudy


LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, below Ackerman/Handicap Access


ROD USED: Unknown

FLIES USED: #18 olive Norfork River scud dropping a #26 pear beaded black midge, #20 Griffith’s Gnat

OTHER: I fished with Wayne. I caught four fish, broke off one, and missed three. I caught one below the access, but above the riffle on #18 olive scud, one at the tail out of the first riffle on the midge pupa, one near the Buffalo Horns (in front of Tony Austin's) on #16 olive scud, and one in front of the new BIG house using #16 olive scud. The river was crowded at first, but no one, except Wayne, was catching fish, so most left by 11:00 AM. The riffles at the River Ridge Inn are really nice. All the water held lots of fish, but they were real spooky. It was great having peace and quiet on the river after so many kids visiting! What a way to begin the new year.