Friday, February 29, 2008

Norfork River

TIME: 12:45 PM TO 3:15 PM
WEATHER: PC, Low-60s, windy with west winds
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, 2nd Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access
FLIES USED: #20 Kay's Gray, #20 Ginger Cockleburr
ROD USED: 9 ft 5 wt Winston
HATCHES: Midges, Blue Winged Olives
OTHER: Fished solo, then with Kay. Caught 8 fish – one cutthroat and 7 rainbows – 3 on Kay's Gray and 5 on the Ginger Cockleburr. Kay hooked up with a San Juan worm.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ron on the Norfork

TIME: 3:00 PM TO 4:45 PM
WEATHER: PC, Low-40s, windy
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, 2nd Island above Ackerman/Handicap Access
FLIES USED: #14 Gray Norfork Scud, #14 T-Worm
ROD USED: 9 ft 5 wt Winston
OTHER: Fished with Ron and Mellisa; it was Mellisa's first time to successfully fly fish. After a brief casting lesson, and some disscussion about drag-free drifts, she caught a rainbow on the T-worm , and missed a couple of others. Ron caught 3 fish on the gray scud. I fished very briefly, about 15 minutes, and caught 3 fish on the gray scud. Fishing was very difficult, it was windy and cold, and we fished less than an hour and a half.