Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This One’s For You, Dad

TIME: 7:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON
WEATHER: PC, Low to high 80s
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, upstream of Ackerman Walk-in Access
ROD USED: Winston LT 7'9" 2 wt
FLIES USED: #14 Norfork River Scud
OTHER: This is a sad day, indeed, as my father passed away last night. I felt compelled to fish—my way of handling the sadness and emotional turmoil--and as coincidence would have it, the river was down. I fished solo the first couple of hours, remembering the good times as well as the bad. God smiled on me as the fishing was nothing short of spectacular, as good as it gets. I caught fish on practically every cast, though none were huge. After a couple of hours, I phoned my good friend, Dick, and we fished the remainder of the morning. Though a little rusty from lack of fishing, Dick began catching fish with reckless abandon, and must have taken up to 3 dozen fish. I moved upstream and continued to catch fish, though not as rapidly as earlier. I did, however, manage to fool a measured 22-inch brown trout, and it was incredible on the Winston 2 weight. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Dad.