Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013—A Great Day Boat Fishing the White River

TIME:  8:00 AM to 2:30 PM

WEATHER:  Low 90s, sunny

WATER CONDITIONS:  0 units, falling water

LOCATIONS FISHED:  White River, Upstream of Cartney Access

FLIES USED:  #14 Weight Fly, #14 San Juan Worm, #14 Egg, Brown Wayne's Fly 

ROD USED:  8’ 6” 5-wt Winston JWF

HATCHES:  Midges

OTHER:  I fished with Ed and John.  We left John's house about 7:15 AM, drove to Sneed's Creek, but water was roaring.  We drove back upstream to Cartney Access and noted falling water.  After launching, John skippered us upstream a couple of miles and Ed was into fish immediately, mostly on an egg pattern.  It didn't take long for me to switch, but he was in a zone and was catching fish, seemingly every drift.  We made a couple of long drifts, and we all caught fish.  John and I switched places so I could learn to use the new Honda outboard motor.  Ed remained in a fish-catching zone the rest of the day, catching fish at will, almost all on the egg pattern.  As usual, we all had a great day fishing with lots and lots of laughter.  It was good to be fishing with these guys again.

On our return, the water had dropped so much that it was difficult motoring back to the ramp.  This is great water to fish, but one must exercise caution motoring upstream (or anywhere near the ramp) during low water.

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