TIME: 7:45 AM to 10:45 AM
WEATHER: Low 80s to high 90s, mostly sunny, slight breeze
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Plunge Pool below McClellan's to just upstream of Mill Dam Eddy
FLIES USED: Green Wayne’s micro sculpin, #20 black/red Zebra Midge, #14 furnace cockleburr, #20 furnace cockleburr, #20 Kay's Gray, #20 Dunn's Dun, #14 soft hackle-gray with silver rib
ROD USED: Winston 8' 6" 5-weight WT JWF
HATCHES: Midges, Crane flies
OTHER: Fished solo. Wrote prematurely yesterday that I had retired the old Orvis wading boots. Before throwing them into the trash, I took the inner sole out and discovered quite a bit of gravel. I removed the gravel, and repaired the insole with Goop. The boots are now as good as new, except for new laces--no retirement for these boots!
I walked in that Mill Dam Eddy, walked up the Island and noticed this spider web highlighted against the sun.

I crossed the right-hand chute, and continued walking upstream to the Plunge Pool. I cast a number of flies at rising fish, but only caught a couple. I tied on a # 14 soft hackle, gray with silver ribbing, and the fish would take the fly on the surface. I caught a total of seven fish in the Plunge Pool. I began wading upstream and noted fishers across from Ottercreek, so turned around and waded back downstream to the riffle above the island. The soft tackle did not work there, so Wayne's fly, "Lucky", was tied on, and a black/red zebra manage dropped below. I caught 6 fish in the tail out below the riffle, fishing from the left descending bank. At the top of the island, I crossed to the right side, and fished "Lucky" in combination with the zebra midge along the island, taking another 4 fish before the water began rising.
Wading out I noticed this pretty bloom floating in the rising water.

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