DATE: Monday, July 7, 2012
TIME: 8:15 AM to 2:00 PM
WEATHER: Mid-70s to low 100s, sunny, windy
WATER CONDITIONS: 0 Units, 1 unit of generation at 1:00 PM
LOCATIONS FISHED: Norfork River, Riffle below Resort Hole to Riffle above McClellan’s
FLIES USED: #14 Olive Norfork River Scud, #20 red/silver Zebra Midge, #14 Furnace Cockleburr, #20 Furnace Cockleburr, #20 Kay’s Gray, #10 Big Ugly
ROD USED: Winston 9’ 6-weight BIIX
HATCHES: Midges and a few sulphurs
OTHER: Fished with Whit, Patty, and Whitten. The riffle at the bottom of the Resort Hole did not yield any fish, but the run from this riffle to the top of the Long Hole produced 3 fish on the zebra midge. The deep trough on the right descending bank of the river in the Long Hole looked promising, and a number of nice fish were breaching, but yielded nothing to a fly. The riffle at the bottom of the Long Hole did not have birds darting in and out over the surface like on previous days, and few fish were rising to insects. None were interested in the Big Ugly, but the #14 and #20 furnace cockleburrs worked well. A few fish began midging on the surface in the riffle’s far left bubble line, looking downstream, and a few fish succumbed to the Kay’s Gray, including a nice brown and a nice cutthroat. The wind began howling upstream about 12 noon and Whit and I rowed downstream in the pool below McClellan’s to meet up with Patty and Whitten where we found Patty harassing the fish with a midge pupa. We enjoyed great chicken salad sandwiches compliments of Patty at the top of the gravel and had planned on fishing the riffle above the island below Otter Creek, but generation began and we began our downstream float to exit the river. Thank goodness for the little things as Bill and Larry and others had fished the riffle in the morning and all are really good fishers, likely leaving giving all the fish sore mouths. I ended the day with maybe a dozen fish, including a couple of cutthroats, three browns, and the rest rainbows.
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