Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012—A Good Day’s Fishing

DATE:  Friday, July 6, 2012

TIME:   7:15 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER: Low 70s to high 90s, mostly sunny, slight breeze


LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, riffle above the Island below McClellan’s upstream to above the Gravel above Otter Creek, and back downstream

FLIES USED:   Olive micro jig, #20 red/silver Zebra Midge, #14 Gray Norfork River Scud, #14 Olive Norfork River Scud, #14 Furnace Cockleburr

ROD USED: Winston 9’ 6-weight BIIX

HATCHES: Midges, sulphurs

OTHER:  Fished with Bill.  River was shrouded with fog when we walked in and began wading upstream.  The riffle and tail out above the island did not produce many fish; I caught 3.  We moved upstream as far as low water depths would allow to the pool above the gravel at Otter Creek.  I began fishing the left descending bank and Bill fished the right descending bank.  He took a fish, and then I took a fish, and he took 4 more, and I took none; none would hook up with me, even though I switched to the right descending bank.  Changing to an olive #14 Norfork River Scud proved to be the ticket as I caught 6 browns in a row, then a rainbow, another brown, and another rainbow before calling it quits.  I wet-waded and got a bit cold despite the near 100 degrees air temperature.  I have been wet-wading now for 5 fishing trips and have a tan line above the ankle where the wading socks/boots stop—kind of like “farmer” hands—and yes, I have those, too.  

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