Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DATE:  Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TIME:  8:15 AM to 12:00 PM

WEATHER:  Low 70s to high 80s, mostly sunny, breezy


LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, riffle above the Island below McClellan’s downstream

FLIES USED:  #14 olive Norfork River scud, #18 clay zebra midge, Wayne’s olive micro sculpin,#14 furnace cockleburr

ROD USED:  Winston 9’ 6-weight Boron IIX

HATCHES:  Midges, a few crane flies

OTHER:  Fished with John.  John is one of the best nymph fishers around, and it’s always fun to watch him fish.  We fished the tail out from the right descending bank, and it was pretty tough fishing.  I waded across to the left descending bank, and fished the tail out across from John.  It seemed that we would alternately catch fish.  Here’s John with a “fish on” in the riffle.


120711_EditedI succumbed to the furnace cockleburr and took a few more in the film and on the surface.  We moved upstream to the plunge pool, where fish were occasionally midging, but were not successful in taking any fish, despite changing flies (John is shown here tying on a new pattern).120711_Edited-2

As we began wading downstream, I finally talked John into fishing a cockleburr, and he took 4 fish, mostly on top and fished dry.  We both ended with a dozen or more fish, and several were beautifully colored.  It was a fun day, and John is one of my favorite fishing partners.

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