Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012—Neuropathy and a Few Fish

DATE:  Monday, July 9, 2012
TIME:  8:15 AM to 12:00 PM
WEATHER:  Low 70s to high 80s, cloudy, breeze

LOCATIONS FISHED:  Norfork River, riffle above the Island below McClellan’s downstream to Mill Dam Eddy
FLIES USED:  #14 olive Norfork River scud, #18 clay zebra midge, #20 red/silver zebra midge, #14 furnace cockleburr

ROD USED:  Winston 8’ 6” 5-weight WT JWF

HATCHES: Midges, a few sulphurs, a few crane flies
OTHER:  Fished solo.  Rain was forecast and today was supposed to be a rest day—i.e. no fishing—but like the T-shirt says, “I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.”  The river was shrouded with fog until about 9 AM, but the fish seemed to be a little hungry after almost a full day’s generation.  The clay zebra midge was working well, but I missed far more fish were missed than were caught.  A switch to a #20 red/silver zebra midge was attempted to remedy the situation, but to no avail.  I took a half dozen fish on the two midges but fished hard.  About 9:45 AM, a few fish began midging in the film, so a #20 furnace cockleburr was tied on, but didn’t produce any action.  After only a short while, a #14 furnace cockleburr was tied on, and the fish smashed it as it hit the surface.  I caught 2 nice 16-inch browns in almost the same place, then took this 14-inch, again in about the same location (note the cockleburr in the corner of its mouth).120709_Edited  Cold and cold-induced neuropathy forced me to the bank, and I walked downstream a few yards but the midging fish enticed me back in and this fat rainbow succumbed to the cockleburr which can be seen in the corner of the fish's mouth. 120709_Edited-2 I waded across the top of the riffle to the left descending bank, and took one of the most beautifully colored cutthroats I have ever seen, about 8 or 9 inches long.  Without much feeling in my feet or hands, I walked and waded downstream to Mill Dam Eddy, where a few fish were working the film and surface for midges and other aquatic insects.  I caught a couple of fish, then hooked into a big, big cutthroat, but lost it about half way back on the retrieve.  It was an omen because no other fish would bite.  I ended the day with about a dozen fish.

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