Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Quetico Wilderness, Canada - Day 4

WEATHER: PC, Low 50s, wind, some rain
WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, about 50 degrees
FLIES USED: #6 Gray/White Clouser
ROD USED: 9’ 6 wt Winston
HATCHES: Mayflies
OTHER: An unbelievable morning ensued. I paddled Ed around Big Bass Island. He immediately began catching fish far off the point of the island, and continued to catch fish almost every cast on his spinning rod, including his 2nd board fish in 12 hours. He switched to the 9’ 6 wt Winston with a gray/white Clouser and continued catching one fish after the other, including his 3rd board fish in 12 hours.

It was unreal. As an added treat we observed an otter family of three eating a crawfish or something similar.

Mary had offered to paddle Dave and he graciously gave up his spot to Joe, and Joe proceeded to catch a 7-1/2 pound smallmouth on spinning tackle. That’s the largest our group has ever caught. Outfitted in a Santa hat brought special for the occasion, he had his picture made holding this world-class smallmouth to be used as his 2008 Christmas card. There was considerable discuss about voting Joe off the island, but he's such a nice guy we decided unanimously to make him our camp mascot for the year. If you are keeping up, this makes 6 board fish thus far. Ron, using spinning gear, caught his first board fish as well, making 7 for the group.

I paddled Ron in the afternoon, and we tried the area southeast of the Narrows, but with the same luck as Joe and I had earlier in the week—few fish. John Simank caught his 2nd board fish using spinning tackle, making 8 for the group thus far.
After a hard day's fishing, Ed relaxed in his royal throne, the one and only chair ever brought to the "island", achieved when he surpassed a major threshold which shall remain confidential.

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